yay! i am back in ohio. never thought i would say that. i was in buffalo yesterday and i got a facial and my eyebrows done. i never knew i had such a "great brow line" it was wierd. but it felt nice. they were trying to like recreate me, they wanted to do my hair and everything. crazy cosmotology students. then i left at three and drove like a maniac back to cleveland, and right when i was getting into the lane to go to my mans work, his car was right in front of mine. i honk like a crazy kid, parked and then jumped out of the car to hig and kiss him. if i oculd only ravage him right there, but it was a little snowy
but then we went into the store and talked for a few minutes.. and i found the LAND BEFORE TIME on vhs. and for those of you who dont recognize.. that movie is the SHIZNITTTT so i said good bye to my man and purchased my awesome video. then i went to hang out with a friend and we ended up babysitting and going out to dinner, (((just got a cute text message))) then my man picked me up from where i was and i left my car so we could travel together back to his place. watched sea lab 2021 the bizzaro and squishface episodes, so funny
then we went to bed, and when i say went to bed i mean, went to bed
right..... then i had a night mare where 2 guys raped me and he had to wake me up in the middle of the night bc i was shaking and making noise. then i woke up to kisses and got dressed and he dropped me off at my car. now i am sitting here, thinking about what i should do today. i have to work at 445
and i need to go get either a new job or another job so i can save some dollars. and i cant wait until 10 pm bc i get off work and we are going to watch a movie. and tomorrow we are going to go see his friends band. which is always a good time. and i am excited bc my best friend emily is falling in love and that makes my soul smile. everything is so great. life is good
until we meet again...
ps. my boy got me life wont wait by rancid on record and its cooler than your mom in the freezer

until we meet again...

ps. my boy got me life wont wait by rancid on record and its cooler than your mom in the freezer

um im a big fan of cartoon dinos see