O CANADA, i am leaving in maybe less than an hour to go to canada, and yet i am sitting looking at photosets and i am still unpacked. i just got home. i went to the video game store for and hour to see my boy so i could get one last kiss and hug before i fled the country. and now i am so horny and i cant get any until i get back, but i have an english muffin with peanut butter to try and get my mind off of my throbbing sexual desire. i am pretty fucking excited to go to canada. its me and 6 friends, although i dont have any money so i am about to make a low cut shirt so some people will buy me drinks. i hate being poor. i need some $dollas$ hopefully i will not die in canada, that would suck...
be back sunday
be back sunday
And at least your boy lives near you and you CAN get some when you get back. My girlie is in Orlando with me in Pittsburgh... Talk about sexual tension.