Man, I'm itching to kick some old man ass right now.

At work we have alot of different divisions....in my division we have 4 people. Barry, Gerald, Richard and myself. Our supervisor is Rusty and we share divisions with paint and auto shop, which would be Ricky and David respectively.

We have two breaks everyday. Each last 15 minutes. But like everyone else we take...
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Ummm....151 and a blowjob...it doesn't get much more relaxed than this.
Yeah, I would settle for 101 and some service.
So I really liked THE RING. Is RING 2 better or worse?
Re:SinCity-Loved the Color! How would one go about "smurf squashing"? eeek
I'm confused about the saw Oct 2005 thing. I think I can dig up my old softball cleets skull
I have been playing with my hair, trying to find a color and style I really like.
---Any suggestions?

I need to take some new pictures...some half decent ones.
---Any suggestions?

I've been in a pissy mood lately because of work. I need to do some drinking and have lots of sex.
---Any suggestions?

As soon as I get the cash I plan on getting...
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hair- copper red

pics- black&white

drinks&ass-lots of shots, blow sunshine up her ass then fuck her.

tatts-fuck tatts get a scar

piercings-orbitals are work friendly

Sat-repeat drinks&ass

My thoughts, Life-is to be lived, Love-badass while ya got it sucks when ya don't. You-intriguing. Me-dunno.Random shit-Porcupines float in water.
I was offered a new job today. It's not at a new place, just a different job in the maintenance department at TRA. Ed, a guy I see from time to time when I'm working over time, pulled me aside today and asked, "Are you happy in grounds/automotive?". I didn't know what to make of this so I say, "Sure". Then he asked me if...
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Never hug a mummy. skull
I found myself working harder than I meant to today at work. And then I got stuck in the middle of a dispute I really don't want to be involved in.

Papa [Rick] is a great guy, but he is very racist. Against who? Anyone who ain't white. He's a good old boy from the country, and that means he hates blacks and hispanics [nigers...
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damn and I thought working with a bunch a women was bad....
Sounds like a lot of drama for an auto shop. You guys are just suppose to show up, fix stuff, and look hot with your tools. Well, thats how it plays out in my head anyways. (I have a thing for grease monkeys)

Thanks for seconding my "animaniacs kick ass" motion, no one else seemed to care.

Also, I like how you alphabatized your happy list. Yup, I sure do.
hahhahhahahhahahhahahaha....Goldschlager. Don't you just love it [forgive me...I've been drinking and when I do I feel the need to talk to everyone I've ever talked to]. You know? Anywho. Zoo's and such...vines and monkey's. Miles Davis playing So what on my stereo and me jammin out naked with a bottle of Gold. ARRR!!!
eh, it's not too bad. Anywho, hello new friend.
I just read your previous entry and laughed a lot. My boyfriend always harasses me about hating hispanics-I don't really, and the whole absurdity of him and your entry just made me laugh