so that was My attempt at a ditty.
Last night I got to spend time with CB and I have to say it was the kind of time when You shut the world out and let the darkness engulf You to the point the softest touch hurts.
Then this morning disaster. I had to pick My sister up from school so I left at around 130.
3 and a bit hours later I was still laughing that I had'nt made it in time but watching suv's spin out was kinda funny.
So Heres another ditty bare with Me and if You know CB You should be able to identify with it.
There was a time when darkness was My companion
Through thick and thin it was there
Beckoning, seeking, wanting Me
And then there was a brief meeting.
Men and women dressed in garb she walked still.
Not noticing the Man standing there wrapped in the shadows of darkness
Time ever the enemy marches on.
Moving day comes and begrudgingly I go.
My darkness tugging at Me attempting to embrace Me.
Light above she smiles.
She laughs in delight as the darkness takes her around the truck on its back like days of old when We were all innocent.
Words spoken, kisses stolen
The darkness not so welcoming.
Time proceeds.
The eyes blink and bunny stares out at the Man she loves and for the first time realises the eys stare back at her with the same emotion.
They lay together in the darkness and she sleeps while He takes His postion as guardian, lover, companion and friend.
He lays in the darkness and knows He is not alone.
The smell of Her cigarettes, the mint in the air when an arm hits Him in the face.
He curls up next to Her.
He is not alone in the darkness anymore, She is His life, His love and His light.
I guess I am trying to say I love robin more than life itself.
And to those that have upset Her, screw You sideways.
Peace to My friends.
Last night I got to spend time with CB and I have to say it was the kind of time when You shut the world out and let the darkness engulf You to the point the softest touch hurts.
Then this morning disaster. I had to pick My sister up from school so I left at around 130.
3 and a bit hours later I was still laughing that I had'nt made it in time but watching suv's spin out was kinda funny.
So Heres another ditty bare with Me and if You know CB You should be able to identify with it.
There was a time when darkness was My companion
Through thick and thin it was there
Beckoning, seeking, wanting Me
And then there was a brief meeting.
Men and women dressed in garb she walked still.
Not noticing the Man standing there wrapped in the shadows of darkness
Time ever the enemy marches on.
Moving day comes and begrudgingly I go.
My darkness tugging at Me attempting to embrace Me.
Light above she smiles.
She laughs in delight as the darkness takes her around the truck on its back like days of old when We were all innocent.
Words spoken, kisses stolen
The darkness not so welcoming.
Time proceeds.
The eyes blink and bunny stares out at the Man she loves and for the first time realises the eys stare back at her with the same emotion.
They lay together in the darkness and she sleeps while He takes His postion as guardian, lover, companion and friend.
He lays in the darkness and knows He is not alone.
The smell of Her cigarettes, the mint in the air when an arm hits Him in the face.
He curls up next to Her.
He is not alone in the darkness anymore, She is His life, His love and His light.
I guess I am trying to say I love robin more than life itself.
And to those that have upset Her, screw You sideways.
Peace to My friends.
Oh, I get it... "ditty" "pornstarguy"... you're P. Diddy!

your new avatar is hilarious.