I survived the holidays woohooo!!!!
My christmas sucked because tried as I did I could'nt get the one thing that would make CB happy....but there is always Her birthday......and yes those from sgct had better put Your party frocks on cuz We are sooooo going to do something....
Anyhow it seems CB's family likes Me (heh give em time) and I like them tooo....
I spent a lot of time thinking of friends gone on before Me and I miss thier wisdom jokes and comments. But I know this to be true....They would be happy for the grumpy one.
Of all the gifts I aquired I think the star was the best it made her weepy which is a good thing/bad.
Though I am happy I managed to make her smile during Her off season.
Thats about it for now folks....except while out shopping today I found something interesting for the one known as grumpybear but she will just have to wait for it.
Later all
My christmas sucked because tried as I did I could'nt get the one thing that would make CB happy....but there is always Her birthday......and yes those from sgct had better put Your party frocks on cuz We are sooooo going to do something....
Anyhow it seems CB's family likes Me (heh give em time) and I like them tooo....
I spent a lot of time thinking of friends gone on before Me and I miss thier wisdom jokes and comments. But I know this to be true....They would be happy for the grumpy one.
Of all the gifts I aquired I think the star was the best it made her weepy which is a good thing/bad.
Though I am happy I managed to make her smile during Her off season.
Thats about it for now folks....except while out shopping today I found something interesting for the one known as grumpybear but she will just have to wait for it.
Later all
the eclipse was your most humbling moment? man, we gotta get you to disneyworld...I am stumbling over words to find new ways to tell you, but...yes, again yes, with bells and whistles, in or out of church, on a cliff, just you, you, you.
I love you sweetie...

glad to hear you made it through xmas alive. hope all of your faculties are intact.