hey everyone i am back well i have always been here but just haven't posted. thanks to lucie_gemma and derangedmichy for there concern i am fine and well. at least till next week that when classes start up again and i am looking forward to that
but in good news it was my little neices birthday on tuesday she is two so happy b day wishes out to her from uncle lol. ok end of that sappy crap
there are a bunch of good shows going on in the next weeks so i better see some of you people down there. one good show is on the 11th at lews bar in tewksbury my friends band is playing so you got to show up and cheer them on. well that it for now i am starving i didn't eat lunch and i got to go get laundry, doing nothing is hard
take it easy everyone and when life gets you down kick into god mode and start kicking ass bye

And you're a total cutie.
U Lowell is alright -- not much for social scene though if you want to just get out of school with a degree, good school to go to I guess..