Well, I achieved waking up before 1. I guess that is something. My roomate is coming up, I guess we are going down to the Army Navy to pick up some Sgt. stripes and a pair of captain pins for myself. Not in the military just an enthusiast. Kept having a dream where these evil monkeys were trying to drag me back into a room I was trying to get out of. Very strange...but I get alot of strange. Which reminds me this Fall sem I have two classes, preventing vocal abuse, and preventing hearing loss. They are both 1 hour a week...I don't get it but whatever, fills up credits. I hear rap being played by my nieghbors, time for me to put the distillers on, crank up my 560watt speakers and make them cry. Bye ALL.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 15, 2004
Had my first day of work and it went really well. There was fingerpr… -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
So I got the job at MBNA, furthermore they said they have never hir… -
Saturday Jun 05, 2004
I downloaded a great interface for XP called SphereXP, search for it … -
Thursday Jun 03, 2004
Had a job interview at MBNA bank today. Went pretty well, I have to … -
Wednesday Jun 02, 2004
I just got done putting together Some more of my art stuff on the com… -
Tuesday Jun 01, 2004
Well, got rent paid today...yay...but now I have no real money to do … -
Monday May 31, 2004
Woke up bright and early to pay the rent....and I forgot it was Memor… -
Sunday May 30, 2004
Finally got Thief: deadly shadows up and going, not bad. Had to mak… -
Saturday May 29, 2004
DAMNIT!! Had to run out of the shower to answer the phone thinking i… -
Friday May 28, 2004
Drifting and falling....starting to feel it slip into place. I am ti…