Fortune Cookie: "You will come to realizations in you life that change you forever."
can you trust a fortune cookie with grammatical errors? i don't think so.
this new job is killing me. i'm only two days into it, but waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to commute is such a drag. 5:30 is just not a time of the day i like to be conscious for.
can you trust a fortune cookie with grammatical errors? i don't think so.
this new job is killing me. i'm only two days into it, but waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to commute is such a drag. 5:30 is just not a time of the day i like to be conscious for.


Here is to hoping it was more of a typo than an actual error in grammar. Although, as much as I hear and see that particular error, the latter seems more likely.