typety type... typety type....
my mom gave me a TB test shot tonight. it's ok, she's an RN. i need it for my new job.
took my last final today. history 102. western civilization: 1600-present. piece of cake. i like cake.
moving into the new apartment tomorrow, then heading back home to work for the summer. i'm really going to miss the boy. it makes me cry when i think about it.
this year has been really crazy. stress, and fights, and lots and lots of rain. next year will be better.
see you in new england.
my mom gave me a TB test shot tonight. it's ok, she's an RN. i need it for my new job.
took my last final today. history 102. western civilization: 1600-present. piece of cake. i like cake.
moving into the new apartment tomorrow, then heading back home to work for the summer. i'm really going to miss the boy. it makes me cry when i think about it.
this year has been really crazy. stress, and fights, and lots and lots of rain. next year will be better.
see you in new england.