Wow. This week has been CRAZY. I don't think I've ever written so much in such a short period of time. I had an English Comp paper to write and a British Lit paper to write. Tuesday the reality set in and I started getting really stressed. And when I get like that I become my mother. She has a hard time handling stress rationally. So in order to save my sanity, I came up with a plan and managed to stick to it. I am still sane... at least no less sane than I was last week.
Holly and I hung out a bunch this week. We both had that British Lit paper to write so we did some research at the library and then we hung out Wednesday too.
She's really silly. I liiiiiike it.
jesus christ i just poked myself in the eye. Genius.
What's up for this weekend? Well, I have a lot of work to do; finals are coming up soon. So I thought since I am now apparently able to stick to a plan, I'd make one to start studying for my classes. Look out flashcards here I come!
Oh and by the way... I just kicked my Italian oral's ass.
Arrivederci bitches

Holly and I hung out a bunch this week. We both had that British Lit paper to write so we did some research at the library and then we hung out Wednesday too.

jesus christ i just poked myself in the eye. Genius.

What's up for this weekend? Well, I have a lot of work to do; finals are coming up soon. So I thought since I am now apparently able to stick to a plan, I'd make one to start studying for my classes. Look out flashcards here I come!
Oh and by the way... I just kicked my Italian oral's ass.
Arrivederci bitches

chow baby...