Siiiiigh... I can't sleep anymore. I keep missing classes because of it. I find myself at 2:30am staring up at the underside of the top bunk, turning from side to side in hopes of finding that perfect position that will let me sleep. My head is racing from thought to thought, and my stomach is constantly in knots. Ive been eating Tums like they were candy. I feel guilty that I am happy with where my life is going, when he isnt at all with his. Why are things getting more and more complicated? I feel like everything Im saying isnt getting through to him, and that Im not saying how I feel in a way that really explains it. I dont even know what I want anymore.

sleep, when not reached by natural means, can easily be assisted by tylenol pm. not that i'm a fan of chemical means, but it works in a pinch. as far as what you can know you want--it is easy to make peace a goal. that you can have with or without anyone else. peace. when you have peace, sleep and love come smoothly and without any work. good luck