I wanted to share with all of you this poem I read in my British literature anthology:
Upon the Nipples of Julia's Breast
by Robert Herrick (sometime in the 17th century)
Have ye beheld (with much delight)
A red rose peeping through a white?
Or else a cherry (double graced)
Within a lily center-placed?
Or ever marked the pretty beam
A strawberry shows half drowned in cream?
Or seen rich rubies blushing through
A pure smooth pearl, and orient too?
So like to this, nay all the rest,
Is each niplet of her breast.
I love that.
Upon the Nipples of Julia's Breast
by Robert Herrick (sometime in the 17th century)
Have ye beheld (with much delight)
A red rose peeping through a white?
Or else a cherry (double graced)
Within a lily center-placed?
Or ever marked the pretty beam
A strawberry shows half drowned in cream?
Or seen rich rubies blushing through
A pure smooth pearl, and orient too?
So like to this, nay all the rest,
Is each niplet of her breast.
I love that.

My advice from my own experience is talk to her. Flirt with her. I have been there, except I knew I liked girls but I was at work when I met E. She was perfect in every part of the word. She would flirt with me but I would freak out and never say anything. Months and months later I told her about this (under the influence of beer) and she cornered me in a bathroom (she was also recently engaged) and again I freaked out and ran out of the bathroom. I missed my chance I blew it. all because i was shy and she was a co worker girl and the stigma attached to it. If it had been a herto situation at work I would have never hesitated.. but we worked in a super big company which is conservative and well.. I didn't want to ruin either of our careers. MISTAKE. do something about it so when your my age you don't regret not acting on it
If your feeling it that hard deal with the butterflies and go talk to her. Tell her you like her shoes.. for some reason it's been my best pick up line yet.
btw if i were in your class and you hit on me we'd be very busy all weekend on a "study date"
[Edited on Jan 15, 2005 2:32AM]
[Edited on Jan 15, 2005 2:32AM]