Tuesday Dec 28, 2004 Dec 28, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Grades are in.... Four A's, one C, and a big fat F in organic chemistry. Overall I'm pretty pleased. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS slipinsin: To hell with organic chemisty... Four A's kicks ass! Great job! Dec 28, 2004 thedevice: I know, I've been slacking on the updating, but I'm hoping to be johnny on the spot now. Hell yeah I wanna meet him! Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about the boobs and penises... more the prior than the latter, but it'll be a good time. Did you fill up that digi yet? I'm itching so BADLY for one... I may have to do it before the 31st so I can document the debauchery <3 JP Dec 28, 2004
Hell yeah I wanna meet him!
Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about the boobs and penises... more the prior than the latter, but it'll be a good time.
Did you fill up that digi yet? I'm itching so BADLY for one... I may have to do it before the 31st so I can document the debauchery