I think my blood is boiling. Shael's mother drives me CRAZY!!! If I end up marrying him, I will be one of the many people who dislike their mother in-law. Here's what just happened:
Shael and I have been talking about getting him plane tickets to come visit over our winter break. I looked at the calendar and saw that New Year's Eve would be a great time because it was over a weekend. He could fly in Friday afternoon and leave Sunday. I checked fligth prices and found a round trip for ONLY $76!! That is an amazing price. So, I told Shael to tell his parents about it so we could book the flight before the prices go up. He told his dad about it last night, and he was all for it. He even said, "Hell, for that price, get tickets for me too!" Shael wanted to run it by his mom too, but she was asleep or something so he waiting until today. He had to wait until she got home from work, but when she did, he asked and she said, "I'll have to think about it." WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO "THINK" ABOUT?!! The price is great, and it's not like this is the first time Shael will be coming to visit me. So what the hell is the problem?!
Now, I try to be patient, but it is so hard for me when someone obviously has no clue. Shael's family never flies anywhere, so they don't know anything about how the whole thing works. My family on the other hand, we're like pros at this point. My mom's last job had her flying up to 3 weeks a month at some points, and i fly all the time to and from school during vacations. So, needless to say I know what I'm talking about when it comes to making flights and whatnot.
Sooo... I told him to tell her that the price could change at anytime, hoping that would speed up her "thinking" process. It didn't. It only spurred stupid questions like "What are the parameters for the price?" I'm not quite sure what that meant so I said, "I don't know, what does it matter?" Apparently she was standing over his shoulder reading our conversation because the response was, "Because she asked, that's why it matters." What the fuck?! Ahhh!! Anyway, she asked some more dumb questions like, "How do you know the price will work for those flights?" I went into GREAT detail about how when you search for flights, you first find the flights you want, then it tells you what the price would be. There's no mistaking the price. It's right fucking there next to the flights you chose. Then she makes some comment about how Shael's never flown by himself before. HE IS 20 YEARS OLD!!! I THINK HE WILL BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT!!! Holy Fuck! All this from a woman who let her 16 year old daughter fly to France last summer! How does that make any sense? I let them know that it would be a NON-STOP flight; get on, get off. Couldn't be simpler!
She FINALLY says, "If you want to go, it's up to you, go if you want." Why is this such a problem?! I have flown to see Shael twice already, it's about time he came to see me. To wrap this up, I just booked the flight. If his stupid mother wasn't involved we could've gotten this done a lot sooner.
I hate to sound like a bitch for disliking this woman for just being dumb, but there is more to it than that. I know how it was for Shael growing up with his parents, and it's clear to see that most of the problems he has now stem from his childhood and they way they parented him. It's little aggravations like this whole booking flights issue that push me over the edge.

Shael and I have been talking about getting him plane tickets to come visit over our winter break. I looked at the calendar and saw that New Year's Eve would be a great time because it was over a weekend. He could fly in Friday afternoon and leave Sunday. I checked fligth prices and found a round trip for ONLY $76!! That is an amazing price. So, I told Shael to tell his parents about it so we could book the flight before the prices go up. He told his dad about it last night, and he was all for it. He even said, "Hell, for that price, get tickets for me too!" Shael wanted to run it by his mom too, but she was asleep or something so he waiting until today. He had to wait until she got home from work, but when she did, he asked and she said, "I'll have to think about it." WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO "THINK" ABOUT?!! The price is great, and it's not like this is the first time Shael will be coming to visit me. So what the hell is the problem?!
Now, I try to be patient, but it is so hard for me when someone obviously has no clue. Shael's family never flies anywhere, so they don't know anything about how the whole thing works. My family on the other hand, we're like pros at this point. My mom's last job had her flying up to 3 weeks a month at some points, and i fly all the time to and from school during vacations. So, needless to say I know what I'm talking about when it comes to making flights and whatnot.
Sooo... I told him to tell her that the price could change at anytime, hoping that would speed up her "thinking" process. It didn't. It only spurred stupid questions like "What are the parameters for the price?" I'm not quite sure what that meant so I said, "I don't know, what does it matter?" Apparently she was standing over his shoulder reading our conversation because the response was, "Because she asked, that's why it matters." What the fuck?! Ahhh!! Anyway, she asked some more dumb questions like, "How do you know the price will work for those flights?" I went into GREAT detail about how when you search for flights, you first find the flights you want, then it tells you what the price would be. There's no mistaking the price. It's right fucking there next to the flights you chose. Then she makes some comment about how Shael's never flown by himself before. HE IS 20 YEARS OLD!!! I THINK HE WILL BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT!!! Holy Fuck! All this from a woman who let her 16 year old daughter fly to France last summer! How does that make any sense? I let them know that it would be a NON-STOP flight; get on, get off. Couldn't be simpler!
She FINALLY says, "If you want to go, it's up to you, go if you want." Why is this such a problem?! I have flown to see Shael twice already, it's about time he came to see me. To wrap this up, I just booked the flight. If his stupid mother wasn't involved we could've gotten this done a lot sooner.
I hate to sound like a bitch for disliking this woman for just being dumb, but there is more to it than that. I know how it was for Shael growing up with his parents, and it's clear to see that most of the problems he has now stem from his childhood and they way they parented him. It's little aggravations like this whole booking flights issue that push me over the edge.

I love my Mom, but, she treats me like I'm ten...
As for your comment "it's clear to see that most of the problems he has now stem from his childhood and the way they parented him, that strikes a cord with me as well... Not that I know exactly what you're referring to, but...... Ah hell, it's 4 AM, I need to get some sleep... Have a nice Thanksgiving.