Well, it happened. He's been reelected. What now?
I'm going to try to stay positive. I am going to be proud that I'm an America and that I live in a country where I can protest peacefully. I am not going to be bullied by those who feel differently and I will not bully them. I will become more active in political movements and stand up for the rights that I believe in if they are in jeopardy. That's really all I can do.
Although I am trying to stay positive, I must add this...
One reason people voted for George Bush was because they feel he can protect our country better than Kerry would be able to. I wasn't nervous or afraid of terrorist attacks before this election, mostly because I refuse to live my life in fear of something that hasn't happened. But, I have to admit, now that Bush has been reelected, I feel more unsafe than I ever have.
I'm going to try to stay positive. I am going to be proud that I'm an America and that I live in a country where I can protest peacefully. I am not going to be bullied by those who feel differently and I will not bully them. I will become more active in political movements and stand up for the rights that I believe in if they are in jeopardy. That's really all I can do.

Although I am trying to stay positive, I must add this...
One reason people voted for George Bush was because they feel he can protect our country better than Kerry would be able to. I wasn't nervous or afraid of terrorist attacks before this election, mostly because I refuse to live my life in fear of something that hasn't happened. But, I have to admit, now that Bush has been reelected, I feel more unsafe than I ever have.

i still can't figure out how bush was re-elected. oh wait.... if you can rig an election once you can do it again. looks like democracy has become a big fat fuckin joke.