Funny story:
In Psych today, the teacher had a slide up of different food that different cultures eat. One of them said that people in Hong Kong eat monkey brain.
We were discussing the list of things when a boy raised his hand. He said, "I am from Hong Kong. And I don't think people in Hong Kong eat monkey brain."
It killed me. I wanted to say "Way to be totally WRONG and insult someone. HAahaha. Dumbass."
Anyway the class thought it was funny and everybody laughed. The teacher got embarassed and just deleted Hong Kong from the slide all together.
In Psych today, the teacher had a slide up of different food that different cultures eat. One of them said that people in Hong Kong eat monkey brain.
We were discussing the list of things when a boy raised his hand. He said, "I am from Hong Kong. And I don't think people in Hong Kong eat monkey brain."
It killed me. I wanted to say "Way to be totally WRONG and insult someone. HAahaha. Dumbass."
Anyway the class thought it was funny and everybody laughed. The teacher got embarassed and just deleted Hong Kong from the slide all together.