deViolentProphet: hey baby
Auto response from FunkyMonksGirl: I got a package, I got a package, I got a package hey hey hey HEY! :-)
across the hall, studying for calc. cell's on.
deViolentProphet: just thinkin about you, wanted to tell you I love you
deViolentProphet: :-)
deViolentProphet is away at 2:47:09 PM.
I think I'm getting my Shael back!!!!!!
Auto response from FunkyMonksGirl: I got a package, I got a package, I got a package hey hey hey HEY! :-)
across the hall, studying for calc. cell's on.
deViolentProphet: just thinkin about you, wanted to tell you I love you
deViolentProphet: :-)
deViolentProphet is away at 2:47:09 PM.

heyo! i was just checking on to see how things are with the boys. sounds like they're going better!! it's funny, 'cuase boys think girls are complicated?!?!!? fuck that shit! who knows what on earth goes on inside their pretty little heads. ugh! why must they be sooooo cute and cuddly?!?!