This weekend has been really great. For all of you who tell me that I never say anything nice about Shael in my journals... this weekend was exactly what I needed to remind me why it was that I didn't want to break up with him after all the crap we've been through.
Friday night he came to stay in my room, which he hasn't done at all this semester because he has his own place now and is out of the dorms. But I really HATE his place, it's dark and depressing and his roommate smokes so it always stinks. It was really nice having him here, we didn't do anything special, just watched some tv and layed around. I showed him the scrapbook that I made over the summer, which up until now he had only heard about. There are a couple pages devoted to us and things we've done together. It made me feel really good to see him smile when he was looking through it, I could tell that it made him happy.
Saturday we showered and then I took him out to Quiznos for lunch. We walked around a bit downtown too. After that we went back to our separate rooms for a while until about 8. Then, we got back together for dinner at this cool restaurant called The Black Bear. I love it there, the atmosphere is just really different from other places. My friend Alex came with us too. I'm glad she came, it was a lot of fun. After dinner the three of us went to see The Grudge. Holy shit that movie was creepy.
I stayed at Shael's last night and it was just nice. Nice is such a lame word, but it is the best one I can think of to describe it. We talked a lot like we were just friends shooting the breeze. Just random stuff too. It was great. We don't do that a lot. I told him about the girl in my psych class that I'm kind of crushing on at the moment (that's a whole other story, maybe next time), and he was pretty excited about that, surprise surprise. We went to bed and woke up, had some lunch, and now I'm back in my room.
This weekend really couldn't have been better. I am a very happy girl right now.
** new pics are up for those who I promised them too forever and a day ago**
Friday night he came to stay in my room, which he hasn't done at all this semester because he has his own place now and is out of the dorms. But I really HATE his place, it's dark and depressing and his roommate smokes so it always stinks. It was really nice having him here, we didn't do anything special, just watched some tv and layed around. I showed him the scrapbook that I made over the summer, which up until now he had only heard about. There are a couple pages devoted to us and things we've done together. It made me feel really good to see him smile when he was looking through it, I could tell that it made him happy.
Saturday we showered and then I took him out to Quiznos for lunch. We walked around a bit downtown too. After that we went back to our separate rooms for a while until about 8. Then, we got back together for dinner at this cool restaurant called The Black Bear. I love it there, the atmosphere is just really different from other places. My friend Alex came with us too. I'm glad she came, it was a lot of fun. After dinner the three of us went to see The Grudge. Holy shit that movie was creepy.
I stayed at Shael's last night and it was just nice. Nice is such a lame word, but it is the best one I can think of to describe it. We talked a lot like we were just friends shooting the breeze. Just random stuff too. It was great. We don't do that a lot. I told him about the girl in my psych class that I'm kind of crushing on at the moment (that's a whole other story, maybe next time), and he was pretty excited about that, surprise surprise. We went to bed and woke up, had some lunch, and now I'm back in my room.
This weekend really couldn't have been better. I am a very happy girl right now.
** new pics are up for those who I promised them too forever and a day ago**