Ahhhh... There's nothing like organic chem lab at 8:30 in the morning.
From what I can tell the lab will be a short one, thankfully. After that, I can come back and sleep some more. I haven't decided yet if I am going to computer science class or not. Probably not. If I don't that'll give me more time to "study" for my o-chem test that is tonight at 7. I can't WAIT for it to be over, because after I'm going out.
Finally going to see Jason's band play. I had to miss it last time.
Today, the 14th, makes 11 months for Shael and me. One more to go until the big one, if we can make it that far
. I wonder what his problem was yesterday. As soon as I see him I am going to ask him because it just wasn't right. You don't just see your girlfriend, wave, and keep walking without slowing down to even say "Hi." He just continued on talking to his friend and walked by like I was just any other person.
Sorry if I expect more than that. Jerk. Anyway, I am going to say something about it, for two reasons, one: we talked about him doing shit like this before and he knows what it does to me, and two: I told him that I would start telling him right away when something he did bothered me, instead of dwelling on it. Him doing stuff like this is really getting old.
But you know, I'm going out tonight and I am going to have a great time. And I'm looking forward to that because for once, I think I've earned it. I've been studying for that damn o-chem test all week, and I managed to get some things that are due either tonight or tomorrow finished so I don't have to worry about them. I'm kind of proud of myself.

Today, the 14th, makes 11 months for Shael and me. One more to go until the big one, if we can make it that far

But you know, I'm going out tonight and I am going to have a great time. And I'm looking forward to that because for once, I think I've earned it. I've been studying for that damn o-chem test all week, and I managed to get some things that are due either tonight or tomorrow finished so I don't have to worry about them. I'm kind of proud of myself.

oh yeah, goodwill is about the same as salvation army
All apologies if my comments were out of line...