Shael and I are getting together tonight finally. I wasn't prepared last night when he asked me if I was unhappy being with him. I felt like I was going to vomit the whole time I was so scared. Lately I've been thinking about all the little things he does that hurt me and how sometimes it seems like I'm the only one putting any effort into this. The whole Jason thing is a big sign I think that I wasn't happy. As much as I regret the things that happened with Jason and me, I think it needed to happen. I was unsure before if I even still wanted to be with Shael. After messing around with Jason, and after Shael and I talked last night, I am 100% sure that Shael and I can work things out and that he is the right person for me right now. I've never been so scared to lose someone in my entire life.

So you did fool around with that guy!? You naughty little girl!
LOL. Sometimes things like that need to happen. The only way to really know is to go through the experience... I have a question (hope you don't mind me asking). Did you mention anything to your boyfriend about the "messing around", and, if so, how did he take it? Just curious... I hope everything went well between you two on Thursday night.

There's no reason for you to tell him. It needed to happen. If what you did with Jason was one of the things that helped you realize that you should be with Shael, then it worked out to his benefit anyway. And most of all, it's in the past now, so, leave it there... Don't feel bad about not telling him... You're allowed to have a secret or two...