About damn time

I know we're not American over here on this side of the pond. (obviously!) But I think I speak for most of us when I say that we couldn't be happier. I have a very strange proud feeling in my stomach. It's days like this where you realize you could do anything if you put your mind to it. And that everything will be okay.
Also...Obama...I would

PS I am starting up a fund for an extremely good cause - The Fund Of Monies So That Iris Can Buy a HD Telly and PS3 and Most Importantly Little Big Planet.
Please donate to my cause. If everyone donates 50 then I should have enough money by the end of the week. I think we can all agree that a better and more worthy cause you will not find.
Paypal: cmlowen@gmail.com

Did you think I was joking?
Oh ok, 10p each.
Now: Sparklers.
I love the monster, it is of your own knit? Also, I think you'll find you owe me at least 20p soooo... lets call it even
And yes! I was no accident... Lt. Bradley had to wrestle the machine gun out of your hands before he could get my car back off you in Tehran, he knew your intent. The 20p is, obviously, the difference between the price of your house that I dissmantled and shipped to Ghana while you slept in the caravan, my car you stole and the flights to Senegal for 'that' trip... I hoped it would come to more