Apparently all you have to do to get people interested in talking to you at a party is wield a packet of Lucky Strikes and mention you're a female Comedian. People dig that.
They probably wouldn't if they saw me on stage.
Comedy wise, the summer is looking barren as Edinburgh is next month and all the London gigs are either getting cancelled because everyone is in the beer garden, or full of Edinburgh preview shows. Having done 4 gigs, I am not going to Edinburgh. Not this year anyway. When I do, my one-woman show, as decided by me and my friend Kate, is going to simply be called 'Quantas'.
Because, come on, how funny is that word?
Anyway, I have a gig in Kensington on Monday and one in Chatham on Wednesday, and then Taunton the following week, which is ace because it's petrol-expenses paid AND I don't have to drive. Legend. I also got offered one in return for an hour of flyering which I turned down. Don't care how new I am, this girl doesn't do flyering.
Last night, I went to see John Hegley at The Cock Tavern in Kilburn - if you don't know who he is you need to look him up IMMEDIATELY. Very funny man. He read out a poem I wrote and now I can die happy. It didn't win the prize but it blatantly should have, as it got the biggest laugh. It was about my fish, who I killed with washing up liquid. True story. Bizzle.
I asked a very good friend of mine to design my tattoo sleeve, as it's about time I got the blanks filled in on my right arm. I'm having a little trouble persuading her as she doesn't think she's arty and also she says my arm looks nice as it is. I tried to explain to her that there's too much skin on show. Also, that tattoos are beautiful. We'll see how it goes. I certainly have no money at the moment so there isn't any rush. But, as I have a swallow, a cat and clovers on that arm already, I think it's going to be natural-themed.
The other arm has Inky the Pacman Ghost and pink stars, so I think that's going to be the technological arm.
Poor Inky is sunburnt at the moment
He looks very upset about it.
In photo news, I may have another two weddings in the pipeline, neither is confirmed yet though. Also, I did a 'skinhead' themed photoshoot with my friend Jo the other day. We caused a bit of a stir in the pub we were doing it in. Mostly positive although there were of course the odd morons who were convinced Jo must be a.) racist and b.) a man. Le sigh. I'm excited about the finished photos, but until my new laptop arrives, they will sadly not see the light of day.
I'm also thinking of holding my first ever Photography exhibition. It's a daunting prospect but I have the resources (hopefully) at my disposal, venue, the means to advertise etc. Printing and framing costs will be high but I could always put them up for sale and try to make a profit. If I do, it'll be either late August or early September, right before my uni course starts.
So, if I do that, you nice London/south east based folk have to come!
Alright, that's it from me. I have to go and work now so I can save up for a PS3, more tattoos, a set of DJ decks, and more frivoulous and typically non-girly things that I can't afford
Leave me nice notes, good people of SG World. Hope you are all well
They probably wouldn't if they saw me on stage.
Comedy wise, the summer is looking barren as Edinburgh is next month and all the London gigs are either getting cancelled because everyone is in the beer garden, or full of Edinburgh preview shows. Having done 4 gigs, I am not going to Edinburgh. Not this year anyway. When I do, my one-woman show, as decided by me and my friend Kate, is going to simply be called 'Quantas'.
Because, come on, how funny is that word?
Anyway, I have a gig in Kensington on Monday and one in Chatham on Wednesday, and then Taunton the following week, which is ace because it's petrol-expenses paid AND I don't have to drive. Legend. I also got offered one in return for an hour of flyering which I turned down. Don't care how new I am, this girl doesn't do flyering.
Last night, I went to see John Hegley at The Cock Tavern in Kilburn - if you don't know who he is you need to look him up IMMEDIATELY. Very funny man. He read out a poem I wrote and now I can die happy. It didn't win the prize but it blatantly should have, as it got the biggest laugh. It was about my fish, who I killed with washing up liquid. True story. Bizzle.
I asked a very good friend of mine to design my tattoo sleeve, as it's about time I got the blanks filled in on my right arm. I'm having a little trouble persuading her as she doesn't think she's arty and also she says my arm looks nice as it is. I tried to explain to her that there's too much skin on show. Also, that tattoos are beautiful. We'll see how it goes. I certainly have no money at the moment so there isn't any rush. But, as I have a swallow, a cat and clovers on that arm already, I think it's going to be natural-themed.
The other arm has Inky the Pacman Ghost and pink stars, so I think that's going to be the technological arm.
Poor Inky is sunburnt at the moment

In photo news, I may have another two weddings in the pipeline, neither is confirmed yet though. Also, I did a 'skinhead' themed photoshoot with my friend Jo the other day. We caused a bit of a stir in the pub we were doing it in. Mostly positive although there were of course the odd morons who were convinced Jo must be a.) racist and b.) a man. Le sigh. I'm excited about the finished photos, but until my new laptop arrives, they will sadly not see the light of day.
I'm also thinking of holding my first ever Photography exhibition. It's a daunting prospect but I have the resources (hopefully) at my disposal, venue, the means to advertise etc. Printing and framing costs will be high but I could always put them up for sale and try to make a profit. If I do, it'll be either late August or early September, right before my uni course starts.
So, if I do that, you nice London/south east based folk have to come!
Alright, that's it from me. I have to go and work now so I can save up for a PS3, more tattoos, a set of DJ decks, and more frivoulous and typically non-girly things that I can't afford

Leave me nice notes, good people of SG World. Hope you are all well

I'd totally talk to you if you had Lucky Strikes. I might even talk to you if you downgraded to Malboro Lights, but you'd have to make the extra effort y'know?
I'm off to google John Hegley now