Thanks to Lock, who has confirmed my status as 'funny looking gal'.
Thanks Alex, love you too
Anyway, hello. Very quick post as I have things to do, which of course means I am not doing them.
After my last post, complaining about having nothing to do, I did in fact go out and spend the whole day doing things I didn't have planned but enjoyed nonetheless. Those are the best types of day. I've been having a lot of those lately.
I've had a nice day today too. Had an interview for Cath Kidston (hooray!) and they'll take me on as casual staff, which is lovely. Couldn't bring myself to ask if we get a discount, it would have looked suspect. I'll wait til my first day (Thursday).
Then I sat at the cafe in the Neals Yard mini mall place in Covent Garden and drank black coffee and ate a cookie and wrote jokes. I was very pleased with them. One of them even includes the word 'cock'. And we know those are just the best types of joke.
Then I bought the Guardian which I love on Saturdays and will have no time to read, no doubt. Then I had some lovely phone conversations, which I just don't do enough of (oh, the age of the Internet) and now I'm lounging about in my fabulous new T-shirt doing rubbish menial tasks before I have to go pick up Dad. I am taking him out tonight for father's day and looking forward to it muchly. I know it sounds harsh but him having cancer really did help our relationship. We actually get on really well now and spending time with him is one of my favourite things to do.
Last night I had another one of those lovely, unplanned nights which was born out of me panicking because my original Friday night plan was something that...well lets just say I wasn't ready for it. So my Wife took me out with our lovely friends Robin and Tom and we drove to Bluewater, where we had Nandos, Krispy Kreme, played in an adventure playground at 11pm and then went to the midnight showing of The Happening, which was scary and interesting. The others thought it was crap but I found the concept really intriguing and I'd say it's worth seeing. Gory in places though. And I want to marry Zooey Dechanel. That was my sole reason for wanting to see it, actually.

Aaah Zooey, how I <3 you.
Got a couple more gigs. For anyone who wants to come see me attempt to be funny, message me and I'll send you gig details. I've got one this Thurs and another one the week after, I forget which day without looking at my diary.
I need to get more!
Right, off I go.

That's the T-shirt I bought today. Hehe.
I'm so 'Penge'. (and a man, apparently.)
Thanks Alex, love you too

Anyway, hello. Very quick post as I have things to do, which of course means I am not doing them.
After my last post, complaining about having nothing to do, I did in fact go out and spend the whole day doing things I didn't have planned but enjoyed nonetheless. Those are the best types of day. I've been having a lot of those lately.
I've had a nice day today too. Had an interview for Cath Kidston (hooray!) and they'll take me on as casual staff, which is lovely. Couldn't bring myself to ask if we get a discount, it would have looked suspect. I'll wait til my first day (Thursday).
Then I sat at the cafe in the Neals Yard mini mall place in Covent Garden and drank black coffee and ate a cookie and wrote jokes. I was very pleased with them. One of them even includes the word 'cock'. And we know those are just the best types of joke.
Then I bought the Guardian which I love on Saturdays and will have no time to read, no doubt. Then I had some lovely phone conversations, which I just don't do enough of (oh, the age of the Internet) and now I'm lounging about in my fabulous new T-shirt doing rubbish menial tasks before I have to go pick up Dad. I am taking him out tonight for father's day and looking forward to it muchly. I know it sounds harsh but him having cancer really did help our relationship. We actually get on really well now and spending time with him is one of my favourite things to do.
Last night I had another one of those lovely, unplanned nights which was born out of me panicking because my original Friday night plan was something that...well lets just say I wasn't ready for it. So my Wife took me out with our lovely friends Robin and Tom and we drove to Bluewater, where we had Nandos, Krispy Kreme, played in an adventure playground at 11pm and then went to the midnight showing of The Happening, which was scary and interesting. The others thought it was crap but I found the concept really intriguing and I'd say it's worth seeing. Gory in places though. And I want to marry Zooey Dechanel. That was my sole reason for wanting to see it, actually.

Aaah Zooey, how I <3 you.
Got a couple more gigs. For anyone who wants to come see me attempt to be funny, message me and I'll send you gig details. I've got one this Thurs and another one the week after, I forget which day without looking at my diary.
I need to get more!
Right, off I go.

That's the T-shirt I bought today. Hehe.
I'm so 'Penge'. (and a man, apparently.)
Guy I work with was doing protest security while Bush was in town for a (lot) of extra cash, his job was to stop people lingering in one of several all but deserted side streets. There was a middle aged well dressed couple with a kid down for a bit of protesting (Guardian readers). My friend asked them to move along and the gent said "thats ok, we know you are just doing your job, like the guards at Auschwitz".
Lefties, gotta love em.
Congrats on the new job (though I had to google Cath Kidson!).