I wish I was many things and this list includes:
- Cuter
- Cooler
- Smarter
- Richer
- More creative
- A guitar player (not Guitar Hero although that rules too)
- More tattoo-ed
- Successful in business
- Busier
- A better cook
- Less odd looking
And then sometimes I realise I'm okay because I am already many things, and this list includes:
- Friendly
- Lucky
- Loved
- Valued
- Creative
- A genius at Guitar Hero, especially with GHIII and a shiny new black, wireless guitar in my posession
- Moderately tattoo-ed
- Successful in many aspects of life
- Busy-ish
- Experienced in the ways and madness of life
- Striking looking.
I saw QOTSA last night in Birmingham and they were ace. Josh Homme = GOD
I heart Christmas.
- Cuter
- Cooler
- Smarter
- Richer
- More creative
- A guitar player (not Guitar Hero although that rules too)
- More tattoo-ed
- Successful in business
- Busier
- A better cook
- Less odd looking
And then sometimes I realise I'm okay because I am already many things, and this list includes:
- Friendly
- Lucky
- Loved
- Valued
- Creative
- A genius at Guitar Hero, especially with GHIII and a shiny new black, wireless guitar in my posession
- Moderately tattoo-ed
- Successful in many aspects of life
- Busy-ish
- Experienced in the ways and madness of life
- Striking looking.
I saw QOTSA last night in Birmingham and they were ace. Josh Homme = GOD
I heart Christmas.

A month from today. You?
A year and a half before you can consummate your relationship? That seems crazy!