So, as I may have mentioned in previous blogs, I'm all like, in love, and stuff.
So much in love that I am going to Leicester on Saturday to live in sin and probably spend the rest of my life walking around in my underwear and playing XBox with the man of my dreams. Doesn't sound like a bad prospect does it?
I'm sad to be leaving south London behind though. And all my friends. Had a big leaving drinks thing on Saturday and lots of people came, and quite frankly, it was emotional. Like, totally.
In case you've forgotten what my beautiful fiancee looks like, or you never knew in the first place, this is he:

Actually, he looks a bit deranged in that photo.
He isn't, though.
So...lots has been happening. Apart from getting ready to move to what I still firmly believe is THE NORTH that is.
I shot my first wedding last month. By shot, I mean photographed, not, like, gone there and shot the place up with my rifle.
It went rather well. I was very nervous indeed - it was for two of my best friends and I was terrified about doing a bad job. But they seemed so pleased with the results.

Those are just a very very few of over 800 photos. There are more of my official portfolio pictures on my Flickr page.
I now have my own wedding business cards and everything, it's all very exciting. And another wedding lined up for November.
I'm looking to buy a much posher camera too.
Last weekend, I bought a Lomo fisheye camera, which is a brilliant new toy that I'm having a lot of fun with.
And apart from that, have been mainly working and frolicking with my fiancee in the fields, amid the daisies and such. We have much fun.
Here is a survey I stole off Jim, who stole it off sheen.
1. How many gigs have you been to?
ONE MILLION. Probably.
2. What was your first gig?
I don't count Boyzone when I was 13.
My first like, 'alternative' gig was at Reading Festival 2001 when I went to see Easyworld on the first day. And my first gig that wasn't at a festival was Linkin Park at London Docklands Arena, 5 days after 9/11 and just before it closed. I almost wasn't allowed to go in case a plane crashed into canary wharf.
3. What was your most recent gig?
Sunday at the Reading Festival....seeing Smashing Pumpkins with funnybastard and now I can die happy

4. Whats the next gig you have planned?
Prince on Thursday! Rock ON!
5. Do you like mosh pits?
I used to and I was probably mad.
6.Whats your opinion on teeny-boppers at gigs?
I don't really care...I used to be one after all.
7. Have you ever pulled at a gig?
No, and no amount of making cute eyes at a certain person at a gig in March could make him kiss me. Damn him! Oh well, I'm marrying him soon.
8.Ever crowd-surfed?
Yes, once, to Ash at the Astoria and it was a heavenly experience. Until I got dropped on my ass.
9.Worst gig experience?
Probably one of the ones I thought I was going to die at. Amen mosh pit anybody?
10. Best gig experience?
There have been many near-heavenly gig experiences, mostly of late and involving someone standing next to me. And no, I dont mean that guy who always ends up standing next to you at gigs. You know the one. Either he smells or he has a really big backpack and no concept of personal space.
11. Worst band you've seen live?
Fall Out Boy. It was like they couldn't be bothered.
12. Best band you've seen live?
The Deftones, Nine Inch Nails, Smashing Pumpkins, Coheed and Cambria, Hundred Reasons, erm....many more.
13. What do you think about drunken fans?
Fucking go and drink somewhere where I'm not trying to enjoy the fucking music. You elbow me in the face and I will have to kill you.
14. Ever been backstage?
Only when I worked at the Brixton Academy.
15. Have you made friends at gigs?
No, I hate people I don't know, as a rule.
16. Ever been to first aid?
No but I have taken other people there.
17.Do you prefer the front row or the mosh pit?
Used to be the mosh pit, now I prefer standing at the back, drinking vodka and bopping about like an old person.
18.Whats the furthest you've travelled to go to a gig?
Er...London. From south London. Im not that adventurous, really.
19.What band do you want to see live?
As previously mentioned, I saw the Smashing Pumpkins, who were the band I most wanted to see live for SEVEN YEARS. So now I don't care. Nirvana. Which is clearly impossible. But apart from that.
20.Ever been to a rave?
No, because I don't take drugs and I get tired at around 2am and want to go home.
21. Do you buy merch?
Used to. Not so much now because who has 45 to spend on a badge?
22. Whats the most you ever spent on merch?
45. On a badge.
23. Favourite piece of merchandise from a show?
My non-official reel big fish hoody. 10 and has lasted longer than any official merch I might ever have spent 45 on.
24. How often do you go to gigs?
As often as I can without going so broke I have to sell my 45 merch.
25. Are you considered a "regular" at your local venue?
Used to be, haven't been there for months now.
I should go to bed now, as I have foolishly made a doctors appointment for 9am in the morning. What was I thinkiing? I only need to go to get the pill and fuck the pill, it makes my IBS worse and anyway, I want to SLEEP.
But first here is a brief list of things Iris LIKES:
- funnybastard
- Hob nobs
- Photography
- Music
- New books
- Fluffy pillows
- Bunnies
- Yelling at the TV, particularly 'THE PARENTS DID IT!'
- Conkers.
What do you like?
PS fuck spoilers, yes you do have to scroll through this whole thing until you come to the end and can leave me a note about the last sentence I wrote. I know, it's annoying isn't it?
I didn't go to a gig until I was 15 so my first one was Placebo which incidentally was also the scarist mosh pit I've been in. I underestimated the girl throng and had to wedge my knees against the barrier to save my ribs getting crushed, I literaly couldn't breath at one point. It's crazy there well lots of people being pulled out with injuries much worse than any metal gig I've been to
Anyway, hope the move went well and you're settling in nicely.
Five things that I like at the moment;
* New hair colours
* My anticipation of the new Radiohead album
* 24
* Longing for something I can't have
* Buying presents