I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
Try not to, anyway.
Many things have happened since the last time I updated. Not neccesarily things I had planned but thats sort of the point of life, I always find.
- Have been taking a lot of photos with the Canon EOS 5D and assortment of lenses I have borrowed from J's dad. I'm using it to shoot a wedding later this month and am very excited/scared. I also have a 1DS which I'm scared to even pick up as it's so big and expensive. Eek! Going back to my 350D is going to difficult after this...
- I've been offered another wedding off the back of the 1st wedding, which I haven't even shot yet. So thats nice. I'm getting paid for this one too. Not nearly as much as a professional wedding photographer but everyone has to start somewhere.
- Still haven't finished going through my America photos. Am now planning a trip back there as well, for next summer.
- Got dragged off to hospital a few weekends back with suspected menigitis, which I can't spell. It wasn't though, it was Torticolis, which I also can't spell. It's when your neck muscles start spasming painfully for no apparent reason, and you can't move your head. It was horrible. Worst pain EVER. It only lasted a couple of days and I spent them mostly on codeine, hallucinating. I couldn't go to my own engagement party as a result, or go to queue up for Harry Potter 7 at midnight. Bah.
- ....Jim did however go and queue up for me at midnight and so I have read Harry Potter 7 (read it in about a day and a half) and enjoyed it muchly. Not disappointing in the least, woot!
- Went to see Transformers and The Simpsons movies back to back last Saturday with a big group of friends. We loved Transformers and weren't too impressed by The Simpsons. A few days later, a blue, white and red motorbike appeared opposite my house and I became convinced it was Opitmus Prime. Also, I want to be Optimus Prime.
- Had to miss out on the Big Chill festival for various reasons. Booo.
- I have a Pac Man wristband.
- Have been getting ready for the move to Leicestershire in September. City - Country = big transition but I'm really looking forward to it
Also, I have paint swatches! What have I become??
- It is too hot to wear clothes so I have spent the weekend lounging around decadently in my underwear. Drinking Capri Suns.
- Oh! Have bought Guitar Hero: Rock the 80's and am rocking it. Because I rule.
- Have not yet started planning the wedding because a.) the enormity of the task is a little daunting and b.) we are indecisive. So far we have considered buggering off to Gretna tomorrow and doing it and that's about it. I get the feeling more thought needs to go into this...
Things left to do this month:
- Summer Sundae in Leicester, at which J is performing and I am photographing. And then watching The Pigeon Detectives. Woot!
- Helen and Leon's wedding, which should be the longest day in history as I am shooting the whole thing. Looking forward to it a lot. Especially the reception
- Reading Festival, as which I am stewarding and also watching The Pumpkins. Yay!
- Continue to Rock The 80's. There's always time for that
How are you?
I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
I will not neglect SG
Try not to, anyway.
Many things have happened since the last time I updated. Not neccesarily things I had planned but thats sort of the point of life, I always find.
- Have been taking a lot of photos with the Canon EOS 5D and assortment of lenses I have borrowed from J's dad. I'm using it to shoot a wedding later this month and am very excited/scared. I also have a 1DS which I'm scared to even pick up as it's so big and expensive. Eek! Going back to my 350D is going to difficult after this...

- I've been offered another wedding off the back of the 1st wedding, which I haven't even shot yet. So thats nice. I'm getting paid for this one too. Not nearly as much as a professional wedding photographer but everyone has to start somewhere.
- Still haven't finished going through my America photos. Am now planning a trip back there as well, for next summer.
- Got dragged off to hospital a few weekends back with suspected menigitis, which I can't spell. It wasn't though, it was Torticolis, which I also can't spell. It's when your neck muscles start spasming painfully for no apparent reason, and you can't move your head. It was horrible. Worst pain EVER. It only lasted a couple of days and I spent them mostly on codeine, hallucinating. I couldn't go to my own engagement party as a result, or go to queue up for Harry Potter 7 at midnight. Bah.
- ....Jim did however go and queue up for me at midnight and so I have read Harry Potter 7 (read it in about a day and a half) and enjoyed it muchly. Not disappointing in the least, woot!
- Went to see Transformers and The Simpsons movies back to back last Saturday with a big group of friends. We loved Transformers and weren't too impressed by The Simpsons. A few days later, a blue, white and red motorbike appeared opposite my house and I became convinced it was Opitmus Prime. Also, I want to be Optimus Prime.
- Had to miss out on the Big Chill festival for various reasons. Booo.
- I have a Pac Man wristband.
- Have been getting ready for the move to Leicestershire in September. City - Country = big transition but I'm really looking forward to it

- It is too hot to wear clothes so I have spent the weekend lounging around decadently in my underwear. Drinking Capri Suns.
- Oh! Have bought Guitar Hero: Rock the 80's and am rocking it. Because I rule.
- Have not yet started planning the wedding because a.) the enormity of the task is a little daunting and b.) we are indecisive. So far we have considered buggering off to Gretna tomorrow and doing it and that's about it. I get the feeling more thought needs to go into this...
Things left to do this month:
- Summer Sundae in Leicester, at which J is performing and I am photographing. And then watching The Pigeon Detectives. Woot!
- Helen and Leon's wedding, which should be the longest day in history as I am shooting the whole thing. Looking forward to it a lot. Especially the reception

- Reading Festival, as which I am stewarding and also watching The Pumpkins. Yay!
- Continue to Rock The 80's. There's always time for that

How are you?

hey, hope you're well. have you moved up north yet? i keep meaning to say that seen as we live so close we should meet for a beverage before you move 

p.s. a guy called john himmelstein did the tattoo for me, but unfortunately he recently relocated from london to florida