I'm listening to Funeral by The Arcade Fire and falling in love with it in a way that I didn't the first time I heard it. Now I want to buy Neon Bible immediately!
It bothers me that I don't buy more albums. Because a.) I love owning albums and b.) I love CD sleeves. One day I'll have my own house (maybe mansion?) and there will be an entire wall full of shelves dedicated to the display and preservation of the millions of albums I'll own (because I'll be rich). Maybe there will be an entire room, I don't know, I haven't worked out the finer details of the plan yet
I'll also have an entire wall covered in polaroids. I'm trying to build up a polaroid wall in my room at the moment but my room is the size of a shoebox so really it's 12 polaroids squeezed on the wall between the bookshelf and the door.
Do you ever go into a shop and immediately want to throw out everything you own, strip down your walls and start over again from scratch, decorating your entire house with things only from that shop? I feel that way every time I go into Paperchase. I went in today to buy a birthday card and spent 15 I don't have on pictures I will never find space to hang and a mouse mat that looks very pretty indeed but doesn't actually work as a mouse mat.
If I worry any more about money I will actually explode, so I'm trying very hard not to think about my bleak financial situation. 2 people in the last month have offered to pay for my photography services and I've turned both offers down (the money, not the work, I'm happy to do the work). I'm beginning to think it's time I didn't do that anymore. If I get asked again that is.
Today I had an argument with mum that culminated in me shouting 'BECAUSE I HAVE NO MONEY' at the top of my lungs. It actually felt really good to just yell it and get it out of my system.
However, Marilyn Monroe said 'I don't want to make money, I just want to be wonderful'.
I agree wholeheartedly with that statement
I have Q magazine in front of me, which I love because it inspires me to listen to a whole range of music I would never normally think to listen to.
Sarah and I went shopping today and tried not to spend any money. As you might guess, this plan failed spectacularly. We spent hours in Primark as usual, had a yummy lunch at Nandos, tried many a funky frame on in Specsavers and ended the afternoon by testing out all the display Rabbits in Ann Summers (on the tips of our noses you perverts). I left that store with a little something to make myself feel better
(not a rabbit, sadly).
This evening, all plans are off as I feel a little ill and need to stay in and make money. I think there will be a lot of this new-fangled 'staying in' happening between now and America time. I'm not sure I like it. But I'm learning that staying in and being on my own does not equal social rubbish-ness. Actually, I'm even starting to like my own company.
I don't like the new Arctic Monkeys single. It's Dancing Shoes. Or View From The Afternoon. Same song, different lyrics, no?
In photography news - next week I'm travelling over to Greenwich to take some photos of comedians and hang out with my friend Louise at a comedy night her boyfriend runs/performs at.
Saturday I'm taking photos of my friend's band Minutes Lost in Camden and will then go to see their show.
I definitely need some new equipment. I stood in Jessops again today, staring at lenses through the glass of the cabinet they were all locked away in. A sales assistant came over to ask me if he could help me. I wondered if he meant with a purchase or just because I looked a bit mad standing there with my face against the glass, looking mournful.
I picked out earrings I thought Sarah would like today and she liked them so much that she bought them.
Does the thought of knowing other people that well make anyone else happy?
I want to eat cinema popcorn. I wonder how lame it would be to go and buy some. Like, right now...

The latter is a photo I took on Wednesday of the very lovely and fantastic funnybastard performing at Propaganda in Fleet, Hampshire. The layout of the place combined with me having the wrong type of lens for the occasion meant that I got no photos that didn't have bits of audience members in them. So I thought I'd try and be arty and pretentious...
Talking of going to Fleet, I had the most fabulous couple of days in the middle of this last week. There were a number of reasons for this, but a very, very major one was getting to be in the company of one rather lovely individual who often makes me wish I could change the layout of the country a bit, so that London is right next to the East Midlands

Some odd by brilliant cover versions I've been listening to:
Fall Out Boy - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Eleanor Rigby - Aretha Franklin
Enjoy The Silence - Lacuna Coil
It bothers me that I don't buy more albums. Because a.) I love owning albums and b.) I love CD sleeves. One day I'll have my own house (maybe mansion?) and there will be an entire wall full of shelves dedicated to the display and preservation of the millions of albums I'll own (because I'll be rich). Maybe there will be an entire room, I don't know, I haven't worked out the finer details of the plan yet

I'll also have an entire wall covered in polaroids. I'm trying to build up a polaroid wall in my room at the moment but my room is the size of a shoebox so really it's 12 polaroids squeezed on the wall between the bookshelf and the door.
Do you ever go into a shop and immediately want to throw out everything you own, strip down your walls and start over again from scratch, decorating your entire house with things only from that shop? I feel that way every time I go into Paperchase. I went in today to buy a birthday card and spent 15 I don't have on pictures I will never find space to hang and a mouse mat that looks very pretty indeed but doesn't actually work as a mouse mat.
If I worry any more about money I will actually explode, so I'm trying very hard not to think about my bleak financial situation. 2 people in the last month have offered to pay for my photography services and I've turned both offers down (the money, not the work, I'm happy to do the work). I'm beginning to think it's time I didn't do that anymore. If I get asked again that is.
Today I had an argument with mum that culminated in me shouting 'BECAUSE I HAVE NO MONEY' at the top of my lungs. It actually felt really good to just yell it and get it out of my system.
However, Marilyn Monroe said 'I don't want to make money, I just want to be wonderful'.
I agree wholeheartedly with that statement

I have Q magazine in front of me, which I love because it inspires me to listen to a whole range of music I would never normally think to listen to.
Sarah and I went shopping today and tried not to spend any money. As you might guess, this plan failed spectacularly. We spent hours in Primark as usual, had a yummy lunch at Nandos, tried many a funky frame on in Specsavers and ended the afternoon by testing out all the display Rabbits in Ann Summers (on the tips of our noses you perverts). I left that store with a little something to make myself feel better

This evening, all plans are off as I feel a little ill and need to stay in and make money. I think there will be a lot of this new-fangled 'staying in' happening between now and America time. I'm not sure I like it. But I'm learning that staying in and being on my own does not equal social rubbish-ness. Actually, I'm even starting to like my own company.
I don't like the new Arctic Monkeys single. It's Dancing Shoes. Or View From The Afternoon. Same song, different lyrics, no?
In photography news - next week I'm travelling over to Greenwich to take some photos of comedians and hang out with my friend Louise at a comedy night her boyfriend runs/performs at.
Saturday I'm taking photos of my friend's band Minutes Lost in Camden and will then go to see their show.
I definitely need some new equipment. I stood in Jessops again today, staring at lenses through the glass of the cabinet they were all locked away in. A sales assistant came over to ask me if he could help me. I wondered if he meant with a purchase or just because I looked a bit mad standing there with my face against the glass, looking mournful.
I picked out earrings I thought Sarah would like today and she liked them so much that she bought them.
Does the thought of knowing other people that well make anyone else happy?
I want to eat cinema popcorn. I wonder how lame it would be to go and buy some. Like, right now...

The latter is a photo I took on Wednesday of the very lovely and fantastic funnybastard performing at Propaganda in Fleet, Hampshire. The layout of the place combined with me having the wrong type of lens for the occasion meant that I got no photos that didn't have bits of audience members in them. So I thought I'd try and be arty and pretentious...
Talking of going to Fleet, I had the most fabulous couple of days in the middle of this last week. There were a number of reasons for this, but a very, very major one was getting to be in the company of one rather lovely individual who often makes me wish I could change the layout of the country a bit, so that London is right next to the East Midlands

Some odd by brilliant cover versions I've been listening to:
Fall Out Boy - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Eleanor Rigby - Aretha Franklin
Enjoy The Silence - Lacuna Coil
WOW thats some trip! thats something to look forward to 

sounds like your speaking from my head. i'm totally broke, yet keep buying stuff i dont need. i just moved into a new place and i just want to decorate but have 0 dollars to do so. where abouts are you coming in america??