For those of you I haven't thanked personally, THANK YOU for my birthday wishes. I tried to thank everyone, but I only got through the first 3 pages of comments. Sorry. I'll try to get back to them all eventually.
As for the party tonight, I won't be there. lame-o-tastic. I know. But I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now. (Yes, I was sick for my birthday, as well as all of the Halloween festivities.) I saw a doctor on Thursday and he said it was viral and to get rid of it I'd just have to rest rest rest rest rest. So that's that.
In other news, Rufus Wainwright + Regina Spektor = super-amazingness.
Also, I went to the School of Visual Arts open house for photography. I want to go there SO BADLY. I'm so excited about the idea of going back to college (for real this time) and I'm even more excited about the fact that I'm excited.
Um, I'm cutting this entry short because my boyfriend is here and he is better than the internet. Mostly.
As for the party tonight, I won't be there. lame-o-tastic. I know. But I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now. (Yes, I was sick for my birthday, as well as all of the Halloween festivities.) I saw a doctor on Thursday and he said it was viral and to get rid of it I'd just have to rest rest rest rest rest. So that's that.
In other news, Rufus Wainwright + Regina Spektor = super-amazingness.
Also, I went to the School of Visual Arts open house for photography. I want to go there SO BADLY. I'm so excited about the idea of going back to college (for real this time) and I'm even more excited about the fact that I'm excited.
Um, I'm cutting this entry short because my boyfriend is here and he is better than the internet. Mostly.
Youre missing your own b-day party??
how sad!