January has been a slow flow. I've been out of a job for awhile, going through a lot of emotional moments & for personal reasons it's been hard to stay focused & motivated. However, I have gotten back into the right gear & I have been trying to stay productive. I realized that the only person hurting me now, is me. I am being my own worst enemy & it's time I stop doubting myself. Working on plans for awesome stuff on my MFC and different things I wanna do for the year; for instance a SG Shoot Fest in Canada & MegaCon Orlando.
I am hoping to finally be moved into my own apartment by mid February. That's when all the fun can begin. Finally having my own space & privacy will really set my year in true motion. Where I won't have to worry about anything other than my own life.
I love you guys for following me & supporting me. This community has been a huge factor in helping me remember what I love to do & what I wanna do with my life.
I can't wait to create more, love more, share more, experience more, & just over all live more. For myself.
Side note: if you haven't seen my first SG Hopeful set Silence shot by the lovely @sunshine , you are missing out. ^__^