Happy happy humpday! I hope evryone's week is going along smoothly. We are half way through the week and I thought what better way to enjoy the day than with some peach & sharing one of the biggest reasons I wanted to join the SuicideGirl community.
My biggest passion in life is dancing. When I was about 3 years old my mom put me in ballet class to help correct my feet posture. I was pigeon toed & a doctor recommended ballet as a way to help fix it. I fell in love & never looked back. I danced for a long time but life got in the way and sent me down a different path. However staying active & dancing for myself is still a huge part of my life. A dream would be to actually make a living from it & never working a day in my life because of it.
A friend once told me about SG having an alternative dance troupe & of course I was highly interested. Seeing the SG Blackheart Burlesque reignited the dance fire inside of me. It has set me on a course to go back to who I miss being and sharing that with the world around me. I look forward to keeping you guys updated on my process & progress.
I am coming for you SG Blackheart Burlesque!!!
@blackheartburlesque @sunshine @liryc @sunny
@missy @rambo