So today I went out and bought my first laptop! god I just feel so behind in the times. On the other hand It is awsome my hubby bought it for me seeing that I stepped down from being a manager and start school for the first time in ten years......he even prolonged his back piece getting finished so we could afford all my books...
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I just need a nature break. Work is seriously burning me the hell out latley so I need mother earth to give me some love so I can feel energetic again. Though I just bought a laptop for school yesterday!!! God I'm so scared on going back. It has been soooo long. But hey i'll make one kick ass nurse!!
My vacation is almost over!!! AHHHH and I have to go to work tommorow. This sucks big time. Enough on that subject. I'm going to tell you my little secret.....I LOVE POLKA DOTS!! Mainly black and white. Send me polka dots. Do it and do it now!!
Nice pictures.

If you don't mind me asking where did you take these??

The End
nice pics, interesting tattos biggrin
So for some reason after being sick this week I get this brillant idea of spring cleaning my bedroom, it took all day saturday. Matter a fact we went to bed around midnigh because we had to wait for the bedding to finish drying. Did a bit of rearranging seeing I had all the furniture pulled away from the walls anyway, not a lot but...
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Yesterday it rained so hard that the sky was orange afterwards with dark clouds with the sun bright as hell behind them. It was beautiful. I would of sat there to paint it but I was at my crappy job. I need to find a new line of work.
So yesterday was my birthday and thank you to everyone who wished me a happy one!!I woke up to a clean house. My kids were trying to stay quiet so I could sleep. It was great my daughter gave me paper dolls (nope they were no Barbie ones they were beauty and the beast even at the age of 5 she's smart!!) I was on...
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So I have thus far beaten this cold thing that has over taken my house. I have a five day weekend dut to not having a sitter for my little ones. but hey that is rad!! For saturday is my birthday woot woot! I'm hoping to get my new tattoo for my birthday!!!
So this saturday is my birthday and yeah I'll be older..... God i hate when that shit happens. I'm extremly tired latley. I've been working 2 jobs recently trying to get Patrick's tattoo done before Ryan leaves. Spring still isn't here and that sucks I wanna go and play in the dirt. Plus my kids are sick again!!! GROAN!!! And i think i'm coming down...
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sorry to hear youre getting sick, better get well soon, so you can start looking for that bathing suit, and if Im lucky, you will take pics to show us biggrin