So today I went back to the gym and it sucked a bit running was sooo not an option. Tommorow Patrick starts his back piece i'm sooo jealous i just love getting tattooed i have a dragon on my back that i'm so in love with and several other tattoo's maybe later i'll put some pictures up just tired really i don't want to go...
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got back in the gym too this week....ouch, not much fun...i feel your man's pain, 8 weeks! poor guy! smile
So how do you start this ......"hi i'm new here tee hee hee and i'm so glad to be here"
uhhhh nope not happening here.
so i'll tell you about my day thus far yesterday i went to go seeStina and told her i wanted to go get my nipples pierced but the piercer was gone for the day so she sent me to...
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wow ! You are beautiful !