Hi, everybody! This is my second homework. Today I will speak about 3 things, in my opinion, everyone should know how to do.
1. The first and the most important, I think, everyone should know is how to love/to be friends. Without these bright feelings there wouldn't be happiness and harmony in the world. Love and friendship from other people is necessary for us like the air.
2. Also everyone should know how to forgive. Without forgiveness it will be chaos and coldness in our hearts, close people will fight and leave each other forever. If we dont't want to lose darling people, ability to forgive for us is vital.
3. At last, everyone shold know how to relax. Without this you will be always tired and angry, and everythings will "suck"! Hahaha
These are 3 most important things, without them would be no modern society and happy life.
Love and appreciate ypur family and don't forget about the rest!
Sincerely yours, Irena.
Thank you @missy @lyxzen @rambo