Ok I think its time to get rid of the last post I must have really been a downer since NO ONE commented haha even when i say its ok not to read it someone comments haha! But no worries! I am Looking forward to this weekend alot! Lots of fun things planned! some much needed me time!! and i get to see a friend I havent seen since 7th grade lol! so deffinately looking forward to that! Also glad i have met soooo many great new chat friends!! its nice when u make a connection with someone who isnt even near u! I have met some of my bestest friends on SG!! kindred spirits Id say lol!! SOOOOOOO looking forward to Hell City this year!! Im getting tattooed by James Vaughn and I am soooooo stoked about this!! He has been my tattoo crush for the last 4 years since I first saw him at my first hell city!! And this year he came in 3rd on Ink master! Hes such a sweet guy! Not 100 percent what i am getting but I have been thinking alot of going in the direction of an ocean theme on my left arm I already have my sad turtle swinging in the rain.
and i want to do a memorial tattoo for matt and i think i can incorporate the 2! James Vaughns style is japaneese but he does great like waves and water and turtles too! But as a part of my memorial that will fit well is I want to put the americian foundation for suicide preventions logo for the surviors is this
the lil life saver its a symbol of the survivor but its also used to never forget the struggle of suicide and I really think i would like to get that! I want so badly to have my story help someone else decide to not commit suicide or to help a surivor of suicide loss! Its not an easy thing to deal with especially with a newborn daughter! Its hard when u see so much of the person u loved in your daughters eyes and actions! the foundation does a 18 mile overnight walk last year it was in DC this year its in San Fran I am going to do everything in my power to b at the next walk wherever they have it! I want to raise money and walk in memory of matt! I want to raise money to help suicide prevention, depression and mental illness! Its an important issue to me and something that will always be important to me! I never want anyone to go through what I have been through and the sad thing is about every 14.2 mins someone dies of suicide in the united states. THATS JUST IN THE UNITED STATES!!! It shouldnt be this way more about that later!!!!
so thats the direction im going for with my tattoo that im getting at hell city!! so still not 100 percent but its a start lol!
well thats all i got right now!!! LOL! I hope everyone has a great day!! LOVE ALL MY SEXY PEEPS!!
OMG I HAD TO SHARE THIS I was looking for a specific marshmellow peeps pic and so i typed sexy marshmellow peeps and among all the marshmellow peeps pics like dead center of all this pics of MARSHMELLOW PEEPS IS THIS.....................
WHAT THE FUCK a porn site of woman smoking hahahahaha sooo i had to share this weirdness with u anyways!!
and i want to do a memorial tattoo for matt and i think i can incorporate the 2! James Vaughns style is japaneese but he does great like waves and water and turtles too! But as a part of my memorial that will fit well is I want to put the americian foundation for suicide preventions logo for the surviors is this
the lil life saver its a symbol of the survivor but its also used to never forget the struggle of suicide and I really think i would like to get that! I want so badly to have my story help someone else decide to not commit suicide or to help a surivor of suicide loss! Its not an easy thing to deal with especially with a newborn daughter! Its hard when u see so much of the person u loved in your daughters eyes and actions! the foundation does a 18 mile overnight walk last year it was in DC this year its in San Fran I am going to do everything in my power to b at the next walk wherever they have it! I want to raise money and walk in memory of matt! I want to raise money to help suicide prevention, depression and mental illness! Its an important issue to me and something that will always be important to me! I never want anyone to go through what I have been through and the sad thing is about every 14.2 mins someone dies of suicide in the united states. THATS JUST IN THE UNITED STATES!!! It shouldnt be this way more about that later!!!!
so thats the direction im going for with my tattoo that im getting at hell city!! so still not 100 percent but its a start lol!
well thats all i got right now!!! LOL! I hope everyone has a great day!! LOVE ALL MY SEXY PEEPS!!
OMG I HAD TO SHARE THIS I was looking for a specific marshmellow peeps pic and so i typed sexy marshmellow peeps and among all the marshmellow peeps pics like dead center of all this pics of MARSHMELLOW PEEPS IS THIS.....................
WHAT THE FUCK a porn site of woman smoking hahahahaha sooo i had to share this weirdness with u anyways!!
i am proud to be one of your new chat friends, can you imagine doing chubby bunny with peeps
ur so cool