Well Guess what.......
I am soooo happy! I wanted a little girl! They will confirm it July 31st. The Baby is doing well, the heartbeat is good. I got to watch them measure the brain and see the blood vessels flow. It was really neat crazy to thing that shes inside me but really cool. The Doc Weighed me and Id lost 8 pounds, so she made me get on the scale again to make sure the number she wrote down was the right one. Cause Id lost so much weight but they dont seem concerned about it cause I am over weight. On the Ultrasound screen it showed like my name that i had a History of Seizures and that i was MORBIDLY OBESE. That was awesome to see in BIG LETTERS On the SCREEN. Geez man! I fully plan on losing SOME weight after the babys born. Im really excited and scared. I cant wait to meet her. The doc told me at the next ultrasound which is July 31st to remind them to look at the babys feet. they saw both of them but had a hard time with orientation of the foot cause one foot was tucked up under the baby. Which is actually ironic cause thats how I sit all the time its how I am most comfortable. Shes not concerned just thought the baby was sitting on her foot. I cant wait to meet her. Shes starting to move more and I can feel her. Its soooo weird. I imagine its just gonna get weirder.
I am 20 weeks pregnant now so my baby looks like this
Here are my latest ultrasounds they arent great quality cause they were taking with my cell phone.
here is a side view of the baby.
here is the babys foot
Other things in my Life are crazy and complicated but I am trying to get through it!
Oh my god we just got the worse storm it was sunny like 10 mins before the storm hit, it LOOKED like a tornado! It was so windy an rainy and cold it was crazy. SO OF COURSE I VIDEO TAPED IT!!! shit no place i try to upload the video will let me! SUCK!!!! SO ill try again and if i can ever get it to work Ill put it up then! Well THe next journal i do will be hell city cause i just put the pics on my comp. IM LAZY haha! anyways love you guys!
talk to you soon!
I am soooo happy! I wanted a little girl! They will confirm it July 31st. The Baby is doing well, the heartbeat is good. I got to watch them measure the brain and see the blood vessels flow. It was really neat crazy to thing that shes inside me but really cool. The Doc Weighed me and Id lost 8 pounds, so she made me get on the scale again to make sure the number she wrote down was the right one. Cause Id lost so much weight but they dont seem concerned about it cause I am over weight. On the Ultrasound screen it showed like my name that i had a History of Seizures and that i was MORBIDLY OBESE. That was awesome to see in BIG LETTERS On the SCREEN. Geez man! I fully plan on losing SOME weight after the babys born. Im really excited and scared. I cant wait to meet her. The doc told me at the next ultrasound which is July 31st to remind them to look at the babys feet. they saw both of them but had a hard time with orientation of the foot cause one foot was tucked up under the baby. Which is actually ironic cause thats how I sit all the time its how I am most comfortable. Shes not concerned just thought the baby was sitting on her foot. I cant wait to meet her. Shes starting to move more and I can feel her. Its soooo weird. I imagine its just gonna get weirder.
I am 20 weeks pregnant now so my baby looks like this
Here are my latest ultrasounds they arent great quality cause they were taking with my cell phone.
here is a side view of the baby.
here is the babys foot
Other things in my Life are crazy and complicated but I am trying to get through it!
Oh my god we just got the worse storm it was sunny like 10 mins before the storm hit, it LOOKED like a tornado! It was so windy an rainy and cold it was crazy. SO OF COURSE I VIDEO TAPED IT!!! shit no place i try to upload the video will let me! SUCK!!!! SO ill try again and if i can ever get it to work Ill put it up then! Well THe next journal i do will be hell city cause i just put the pics on my comp. IM LAZY haha! anyways love you guys!
talk to you soon!
My mom actually just mentioned last night that I should try to come down and see you after the baby is born! She said that I should take the bus if Mike doesn't want to go.so funny.. I would be worried if I were her though.. VA is the one place I would actually move to..and I usually bawl my eyes out when I leave.. it's a spiritual connection thing.. really! lol.. so it's something I'm thinking about with or without Mike (would be better with Mike though..lol)
I had such a good time with you this week .