Well Peeps IM BAAAAAACK!!! I have the net again at my house so things will be better now! LOL! more updates and what nots! well things are crazy but Im use to that! I am 18 weeks pregnant now!
Being pregnant is sooooo not what i thought it would be like! Ive been sick alot! my tummys been bothering me alot today. I can feel the baby wiggle which is weird. My appetite is all fucked up! I am starving and I get me some food take 3 bites and cant eat anymore cause i feel like I am gonna throw up. I look at my food and go UGH I WANT THIS SOOOOO BAD BUT I CANT EAT IT! DAMN YOU DEMON BABY hahaha! But Im excited I find out ON JUNE 22 like 9 days what I am having. I am hoping for a girl! I have always wanted a girl but either way I will be happy. I know what I will name her if its a girl. If its a boy not really sure I have a couple names I like but nothing 100%. after I find out what I am having I will let you guys know the names I have chosen or if its a boy the names I like! If you guys want to throw some suggestions out there on baby names I would love to hear what youve got. So post what you think I should name my baby below, boy and girl names. Would be interested to see what you guys come up with! I love that its been ages since Ive been on here and bellica remembered that I find out what Im having the 22nd. I love that girl!! She really is my soul sister!
I have a better job now so I am able to pay the bills which is important. I just moved into a house in strasburg Va. Which i really love! our neighbors are pretty cool for the most part. They gave me there security code so I could use there internet for free. which is cool but i do have a HUGE HUGE HUGE problem with them! They have this Dog who is beautiful and friendly his name is brutus and hes a boxer. He is practically starved to death he is so skinny its ridiculous. We took a BIG POT of Hitlers food to him and he ate it all in a matter of mins. So I went and bought him a bag of dog food for them to feed him. I know what its like to be really poor. I put an ad in free cycle asking for help to feed my dog cause i had no money to do it. There was NO way I was gonna let my dog get this bad off. Someone responded to my ad and bought hitler a 40 pd bag of dogfood. So there are ways to get some help if u cant feed your pet. There are still good people out there who want to help. I told him that if they EVER needed dog food I would buy it for them. I want to see some weight back on this dog like asap before i get this dog taken away. Cause I will give him the benefit of buying the food for him to feed the dog to try to give him a chance to redeem himself but if nothing changes I will have to take a step that is in the best interest for the dog. hes too sweet to be treated like that, I was ALSO PISSSSSSSED when i found out that there kid had a play station 3 and there dog is outside starved to death and they have the net and cable tv. oooooohhhhhh I was hot!!! He blames the dogs condition on worms, if that is the case TAKE THE DOG TO THE FUCKING VET AND GET IT MEDICINE!!! there is no reason for the dog to look like this!!! This is why i wanted to be an animal cop so i could help animals but turns out you have to live in a big city for that! The aspca monthly gift program is one that if I had the money i would totally give 20 a month to help out animals who are hurt and abused! I am such an animal lover! ANY WAYS thats my rant for today lol!
I got to go to hell city this year whoooot for me!! I love hell city and my OHIO friends so much! punknitemike, katieokiedokie, they are the bestest friends a girl could ask for, I had a lot of fun bought me a super cute diaper bag! I will post some pics up from the trip when im not so tired! So I will do a hell city blog shortly.but its 3 am and I am getting really tired lol! I get really tired alot now that I am pregnant! I was the first one at hell city to fall asleep which is so unlike me usually Katie falls asleep first turns out I got lucky cause mikes snores kept everyone up lol!
Love you guys more to come and look out for my BABYS SEX BLOG!!! AND DONT FORGET POST WHAT BABY NAMES YOU LIKE!!
Love always Ireland

Being pregnant is sooooo not what i thought it would be like! Ive been sick alot! my tummys been bothering me alot today. I can feel the baby wiggle which is weird. My appetite is all fucked up! I am starving and I get me some food take 3 bites and cant eat anymore cause i feel like I am gonna throw up. I look at my food and go UGH I WANT THIS SOOOOO BAD BUT I CANT EAT IT! DAMN YOU DEMON BABY hahaha! But Im excited I find out ON JUNE 22 like 9 days what I am having. I am hoping for a girl! I have always wanted a girl but either way I will be happy. I know what I will name her if its a girl. If its a boy not really sure I have a couple names I like but nothing 100%. after I find out what I am having I will let you guys know the names I have chosen or if its a boy the names I like! If you guys want to throw some suggestions out there on baby names I would love to hear what youve got. So post what you think I should name my baby below, boy and girl names. Would be interested to see what you guys come up with! I love that its been ages since Ive been on here and bellica remembered that I find out what Im having the 22nd. I love that girl!! She really is my soul sister!
I have a better job now so I am able to pay the bills which is important. I just moved into a house in strasburg Va. Which i really love! our neighbors are pretty cool for the most part. They gave me there security code so I could use there internet for free. which is cool but i do have a HUGE HUGE HUGE problem with them! They have this Dog who is beautiful and friendly his name is brutus and hes a boxer. He is practically starved to death he is so skinny its ridiculous. We took a BIG POT of Hitlers food to him and he ate it all in a matter of mins. So I went and bought him a bag of dog food for them to feed him. I know what its like to be really poor. I put an ad in free cycle asking for help to feed my dog cause i had no money to do it. There was NO way I was gonna let my dog get this bad off. Someone responded to my ad and bought hitler a 40 pd bag of dogfood. So there are ways to get some help if u cant feed your pet. There are still good people out there who want to help. I told him that if they EVER needed dog food I would buy it for them. I want to see some weight back on this dog like asap before i get this dog taken away. Cause I will give him the benefit of buying the food for him to feed the dog to try to give him a chance to redeem himself but if nothing changes I will have to take a step that is in the best interest for the dog. hes too sweet to be treated like that, I was ALSO PISSSSSSSED when i found out that there kid had a play station 3 and there dog is outside starved to death and they have the net and cable tv. oooooohhhhhh I was hot!!! He blames the dogs condition on worms, if that is the case TAKE THE DOG TO THE FUCKING VET AND GET IT MEDICINE!!! there is no reason for the dog to look like this!!! This is why i wanted to be an animal cop so i could help animals but turns out you have to live in a big city for that! The aspca monthly gift program is one that if I had the money i would totally give 20 a month to help out animals who are hurt and abused! I am such an animal lover! ANY WAYS thats my rant for today lol!
I got to go to hell city this year whoooot for me!! I love hell city and my OHIO friends so much! punknitemike, katieokiedokie, they are the bestest friends a girl could ask for, I had a lot of fun bought me a super cute diaper bag! I will post some pics up from the trip when im not so tired! So I will do a hell city blog shortly.but its 3 am and I am getting really tired lol! I get really tired alot now that I am pregnant! I was the first one at hell city to fall asleep which is so unlike me usually Katie falls asleep first turns out I got lucky cause mikes snores kept everyone up lol!
Love you guys more to come and look out for my BABYS SEX BLOG!!! AND DONT FORGET POST WHAT BABY NAMES YOU LIKE!!
Love always Ireland

I'm like you.. I can't think of little boy names! For some reason I can't.
You know I had a dream about you Mike and Chris last night.. in the dream you and Chris were here and there was tons of ice..and chris kept falling..and Mike and I kept laughing (I know mean) and you kept trying to help him..and each time you did I would yell at you to stop..because you're pregnant and might hurt the baby..lol
Strange I know..
I miss you!