Because i still suck.
If you could go back in time and change one thing from your past what would it be?
Would be in reference to a girl that I once dated, but its not something that i'd have done different in how we split up, or what happened between us; but more a case of having a chance to say good bye. A few years ago, one of the people i work with was leaving to do mid-wife training, only she had to do nurse training first (or something along those lines). This reminded me of my friend's mum, who when me and my friend were dating was a home carer, and we ended up "going to work with her" for want of a better way of putting it. This lead to me thinking of my friend (and her mum) and made me want to see how they were - couldn't at the time, was 2am Sunday and couldnt text them at the time as i had neither numbers, and couldnt get facebook on my phone anyway at the time. I neglected to do anything about it, and unfortunately Tuesday daytime i got a message from my friends sister saying that she thought i'd like to know that Siobhan (my ex//friend) had passed away; Meaning that i'd never had a chance to say good bye to her, and the last thing i can remember talking to her about was when she was coming down to where i live to see a friend and how we should all meet up have lunch or something (A friend that i'd introduced to her and then didnt really talk to either.) Ironically; I was invited to her funeral and did see the other people I hadn't seen, but would have been great to see them at another time (and did see the friend that lives down here as well).
It was...well...shit, but was a lovely day for a funeral (odd thing to say) but shit for the reason. But basically...If i could change one thing? I'd have messaged her and asked how she was, and (naturally) told her how much of am inspiration to her she is. (Despite everything going on, she never stopped being who she was and still went out)
What is the geekiest thing about you?
Well; for (I dont honestly know how long) most of my life, i've been a Warhammer 40k fan. (Games workshop stuff, sci fi). Think i started when i was about 10 if not earlier and played more than painted. Messed around playing it with my brother, but think Gorkamorka and Necromunda were what we played most, with a bit of Battlefleet Gothic as well. I stopped about when 3rd Edition came out, and then restarted about 5th edition; one of the Managers at work played it and convinced me to start playing it again. I don't know how much stuff i have, I've got...about 5 different armies that i can actively play with (Angels Sanguine being my latest, tho I have my own Blood Angel successor chapter, a Word Bearer army, Thousand Sons and Imperial Guard army as well) I'm also starting a Bolt Action (World War 2) Russian Army, but thats only just begun. Have spent some money on other stuff as well; games that some friends and i saw at an event in the plans to play, but never have (Bushido and Dreadball come to mind.)
Your Best Worst Valentine's Day Ever!
I've not had any...Good or bad; Never been in a relationship up to this point. Might get into trouble with this next statement in that i "Don't believe in Valentines day" - why take one day in the year to show your significant other how much you love her...why not do it on any random day in the year. Why not just send this person flowers on a day of the month or so just because? I'd love to be with someone at this time of year, but doubt i'd go above and beyond to spend loads of money on her just because its Valentines day; rather do it all year round, and take her out for dinner anytime of the year when the money can go further, so getting 2 bouquets of flowers for the same price as one for instance. Not me being a penny pincher, me being practical. Who knows, next year around i might spoil someone rotten...we'll see!