Dear friends,
After a weekend of toxicity, I arrive refreshed from a much needed and invigorating run! Yes, today I am inclined to accentuate the hypothetical real. This of course relates intrinsically to the second law of thermodynamics, which primarily involves the principles of entropy. Loss of energy: i.e., heat. Having addressed this, I would like to draw upon the concept one's center by relating to the polar branches of our own limbs as something of a Rorschach blotter. How is it that we can we address the very notion of one's center? Certainly wandering from the kernel of this empowering bloom begets an exponential loss. From the context of psychology, and physiology, it makes no difference; heat dissipates in the occluded concept of left and right. Therefore look to the pearl, the indivisible line wherein both sides equivocally meet as lovers from warring tribes. Ergo, the very orchid of the surreal undresses the narcotic moan, eclipsing the suffocation of this petite morte.

After a weekend of toxicity, I arrive refreshed from a much needed and invigorating run! Yes, today I am inclined to accentuate the hypothetical real. This of course relates intrinsically to the second law of thermodynamics, which primarily involves the principles of entropy. Loss of energy: i.e., heat. Having addressed this, I would like to draw upon the concept one's center by relating to the polar branches of our own limbs as something of a Rorschach blotter. How is it that we can we address the very notion of one's center? Certainly wandering from the kernel of this empowering bloom begets an exponential loss. From the context of psychology, and physiology, it makes no difference; heat dissipates in the occluded concept of left and right. Therefore look to the pearl, the indivisible line wherein both sides equivocally meet as lovers from warring tribes. Ergo, the very orchid of the surreal undresses the narcotic moan, eclipsing the suffocation of this petite morte.

Oh, that flower was celebration encapsulated. Thank you!