~The Soul or Embryo Nebula~
Today was a real hint of the light that is to come. It was just last week that I saw the early creaking door of winter loose its final grip upon the dark and terrifying cold. The golden rose of dawn opens. I am bathed by the blessed rise of the eastern sun. The currency of thought and the prison of time and place are the equivocal Jacobs ladder. How does one wish to perceive? It seems that one must be truly alone in order to seefrom my studies, I have stumbled upon a quote from the Great Lord Buddha, The beings in other realms number the grains of sand in all the deserts and oceans. Human beings number the grains of sand on a fingernail.
All things considered, we are, collectively and individually, fairly insignificant. Yet we have this wonderful capability of perceiving this level of humility, making us wholly connected to much bigger things. I don't mind being represented by only a fingernail. It's the composition of sand that makes it all so frightfully real.
I'm hoping that "hectic" translates to employment and satisfaction.