Lets not mince words. I have arrived at a very difficult time in my life. It has a humbling effect, and I am deeply saddened by it to. There is villainous quality about those meaner forces that circle through the actions of my peers. Even my colleagues at work have acquiesced to that commonwealth of plotting for my disposal. Behind every smile, the cruel mechanical monster pushes her chicks into the gaping sharks of the cold blue sea. Its maddening, and for the love of god, I am about to scream. Last year I lost my other job, due to similar circumstances, and its making me pathetic. I need to get stronger or I fear I will be crushed. Perhaps it is Fatima, or perhaps I am within the roost of a red devil where I dare not belong. As to the prickly void, I hope this brings a smile, god knows I deserve it. As to other warnings I swear I will tread lightly, my words a whisper, my will, eventually dissolved.