*Court case updates:*
I went in front of the judge today. He was this really old mexican guy. He wasn't to amused by what happened, but as my lawyer pointed out, at no time did I break the law. So, much to his dismay, and the anger of the prosecutor (also a member of the church) he had to drop the case. Yeah, that parts over. Now the bad stuff.
I have yet to put up a total of the people stopping by to "save" me until now. So here it is:
I shit you not. And the creme' de la creme', last night the pastors wife came by, remember the pastor, it was their daughter that was the cashier at the store. That was interesting. She left in a rather hurry when I suggested a 3 way with me and her and her daughter. She mumbled something about me going to hell. So then this afternoon around 5 the prosecutor stops by and tells me that I am the spawn of satan, and that I will rot in hell for all eternity. So I said:
"Well, that's mighty christian of you." with a big smile on my face. And I then added "what ever happened to 'judge not lest ye be judged' and 'love thy neighbor'."
He turned and left.
So now I ask you all, are you doing your part to piss of the religious people? I am!
I went in front of the judge today. He was this really old mexican guy. He wasn't to amused by what happened, but as my lawyer pointed out, at no time did I break the law. So, much to his dismay, and the anger of the prosecutor (also a member of the church) he had to drop the case. Yeah, that parts over. Now the bad stuff.
I have yet to put up a total of the people stopping by to "save" me until now. So here it is:
I shit you not. And the creme' de la creme', last night the pastors wife came by, remember the pastor, it was their daughter that was the cashier at the store. That was interesting. She left in a rather hurry when I suggested a 3 way with me and her and her daughter. She mumbled something about me going to hell. So then this afternoon around 5 the prosecutor stops by and tells me that I am the spawn of satan, and that I will rot in hell for all eternity. So I said:
"Well, that's mighty christian of you." with a big smile on my face. And I then added "what ever happened to 'judge not lest ye be judged' and 'love thy neighbor'."
He turned and left.
So now I ask you all, are you doing your part to piss of the religious people? I am!

What did you do sassy pants?