Hot ain't it?
well yes it is.
and I'm burnt on my shoulders and bonce.
I'm at home this week until next tuesday (unless my doctor thinks otherwise) I've been signed off work (again!) suffering from anxiety and depression. It's work related (no surprises there at the moment) the prozac's not working really, still feeling low and like shit - am trying to relax by painting, but it doesn't help when my daughter's awake from 11pm until 3am and I'm up with her.
fact is i'm still under investigation at work, and i'm terrified that if i go in someone else'll accuse me of something else that i haven't done and then that's it - no more teaching, no more nothing. no roof over Shelly and Leah's heads, no more food on the table, no more clothes on their backs. no more me.
my father and mother-in-law came over friday night and spent the weekend with us. i realy enjoyed their company sooooooooo much. dad and me went down to clacton pier while the girls were off shopping, we have a couple of drinks
and bowls of mussels and mixed seafood... yummy! we also had a good talk about work and everything. it's ben decided then that it's time for a pro's & con's list.
my own (blood) dad was of the more blunt, typical, gruff east-ender attitude (like he's always been), that i need to get arrrrrtt of this game and find something else - it's causeing me too much grief!
- anyone else got an opinion?
doctor who was wicked.
us gp wasn't.
pepsi max is gorgeous (buy one get one free at tesco!)
sunburn isn't.
proper, fresh seaside seafood is wicked.
tuna sandwiches without mayo isn't.
i'm also trying to arrange an appointment at a councilling and psychotherapy centre.
- btw: thanks for you lot being you.
well yes it is.
and I'm burnt on my shoulders and bonce.
I'm at home this week until next tuesday (unless my doctor thinks otherwise) I've been signed off work (again!) suffering from anxiety and depression. It's work related (no surprises there at the moment) the prozac's not working really, still feeling low and like shit - am trying to relax by painting, but it doesn't help when my daughter's awake from 11pm until 3am and I'm up with her.
fact is i'm still under investigation at work, and i'm terrified that if i go in someone else'll accuse me of something else that i haven't done and then that's it - no more teaching, no more nothing. no roof over Shelly and Leah's heads, no more food on the table, no more clothes on their backs. no more me.

my father and mother-in-law came over friday night and spent the weekend with us. i realy enjoyed their company sooooooooo much. dad and me went down to clacton pier while the girls were off shopping, we have a couple of drinks

my own (blood) dad was of the more blunt, typical, gruff east-ender attitude (like he's always been), that i need to get arrrrrtt of this game and find something else - it's causeing me too much grief!
- anyone else got an opinion?
doctor who was wicked.
us gp wasn't.
pepsi max is gorgeous (buy one get one free at tesco!)
sunburn isn't.
proper, fresh seaside seafood is wicked.
tuna sandwiches without mayo isn't.
i'm also trying to arrange an appointment at a councilling and psychotherapy centre.

- btw: thanks for you lot being you.

plus, doctor who, definately fucking awesome