Come on bring the noise...
Up till 5 in the morning writting an 8 page paper on the development of character in F. Scott Fitsgerald's short story "winter dreams" and how i commentates on the universal human condition. Fun stuff folks. What have you all been up to. I need money...My trip to Florence and then to LA is finally beggining to catch up to me ...I'll sell myself, any takers???? I'm a cheap date.
listening to that song "Ladies and Gentlemen we are now floating in space" ahh brings tears to my eyes..."All i want in life is a little bit of love to take the pain away" just another song about heroin.
Up till 5 in the morning writting an 8 page paper on the development of character in F. Scott Fitsgerald's short story "winter dreams" and how i commentates on the universal human condition. Fun stuff folks. What have you all been up to. I need money...My trip to Florence and then to LA is finally beggining to catch up to me ...I'll sell myself, any takers???? I'm a cheap date.
listening to that song "Ladies and Gentlemen we are now floating in space" ahh brings tears to my eyes..."All i want in life is a little bit of love to take the pain away" just another song about heroin.

dagh... can't think of anymore words...