Alright frards, I am now on the downward spiral...
It all started with the feeling of some impending change a week ago....
I then proceeded to get a sinus infection....
Midterms have been plaguing me these last few weeks...
To much,life, and job...
And to top it all off...heres the kicker folks...My best friend...My idol...The one who played a big part in who i am know...Also is the singer in my band...
...Is leaving???? (see profile pic)...Gone to L.A...Getting away from this town...I am happy for him he needs it but...ohh jeez I am gonna miss him...No more DeathRockDanceHall...No more horror?...It's gone just sliped away...I am happy for him though...getting out.
...Maybe when i go to Italy next week I won't come back...I can only hope...
It all started with the feeling of some impending change a week ago....
I then proceeded to get a sinus infection....
Midterms have been plaguing me these last few weeks...
To much,life, and job...
And to top it all off...heres the kicker folks...My best friend...My idol...The one who played a big part in who i am know...Also is the singer in my band...
...Is leaving???? (see profile pic)...Gone to L.A...Getting away from this town...I am happy for him he needs it but...ohh jeez I am gonna miss him...No more DeathRockDanceHall...No more horror?...It's gone just sliped away...I am happy for him though...getting out.
...Maybe when i go to Italy next week I won't come back...I can only hope...

that sucks that hes leaving, but that doesn't mean that you cant still keep in touch...and you can always start a new band, i know its not the same but at least it would be something...most of my friends have all moved away, so i know how bad it sucks. now one of my last two good friends is going to go away to school for two years, and when he gets back i'll probably be living far away on the west coast somewhere. so i probably wont see him much more...i guess what im trying to say is that it sucks but its not the end of the world, and besides your going to italy so that will give you a chance to reflect, and maybe cut loose and vent off some stress. you'll feel much better when you come back...if you come back...

Hey fucko, how's Italy? I'm green. I wish I could travel right now. I hate being in one place for too long...