My fucking Van broke down on the way into town last night.....
had to wait 2 hours for the damn tow truck! It was fucking cold out
and I got way hungry!
makes me a bit sad since my bunny loves living in it. The space is so great and it's
perfect for the little guy.
Back to the drawing board I suppose! Didn't even have the fucking thing for a whole month.
This is why people that don't drive should not buy vehicles at random!!
had to wait 2 hours for the damn tow truck! It was fucking cold out
and I got way hungry!
makes me a bit sad since my bunny loves living in it. The space is so great and it's
perfect for the little guy.
Back to the drawing board I suppose! Didn't even have the fucking thing for a whole month.
This is why people that don't drive should not buy vehicles at random!!