Okay, so Osama or Usama, whatever way you want to spell it, is dead. Woot woot! But at the same time one of my co-workers has brought to my attention a very valid conspiracy "theory". Yes people, theory, so lets not chastise or attempt to reiterate on what I am about to say. So, what if Osama bin Laden was never "real". What if he was just a messenger and never once actually had the power that all of America thought that he had. So lets rewind to the Bush 2 era. *Rewinding* *Stop* The day is February twenty something 1993. BOOM! There goes the first attack. Mis-planned action was what ended up making that incident fail from taking the buildings down. The Al-Queda terrorist cell takes credit in the attack though they said they were a part of the Liberation Army bla bla bla batallion. They state, in more words than this, that it was a failed attempt and their will be more to come. *Fast-forward* *Stop* September eleventh 2001, *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM* Really five planes! Okay so Osama bin Laden takes credit for this attack and goes into hiding. Now as of 2001, and probably previous of that, the man was on dialysis and needed an IV up his ass to stay alive. Now what if, yes, what if this man never really existed as a major player? What if the US government decided to make him up. So bush decides to say, hey were going after this mother fucker for doing this shit, but we seem to not be able to find him cause he's in the hills. *Fast-forward once again* May second 2011. Barack Hussein Obama decides, oh shit, my ratings are falling and there really isn't anything that I can do to turn that around. Oh wait, that Osama dude that Bush made up, well he's made up, so how can you kill a man that never existed? I got it! We'll kill 'em, take his body, get a DNA test from his "sisters" brain matter (which results came too quickly for my liking) and dump him in the Arabian Sea in accordance with the wishes of Muslim tradition, then we don't need to actually need to have evidentiary proof that the man really existed. Wait, the american people are going to then ask for pictures, what do we say. Oh we have them, but were not going to release them because he was unrecognizable. But wait, we video'ed that shit with helmet cams. Nobody needs to know that shit. Yea, thats what the American people need to hear. Remember this is my coworkers theory, not mine, but I found it most the most interesting out of all the bullshit stories that I have seen about the issue. As for me I am totally glad that dirty no good fucker is dead.