Well I was drunk Friday night and about to go to sleep when I had one of my "moments" were I unjustifiably feel sorry for myself. They usually come and go without much fan fare. But this time I got on twitter and made a list of embarrassing things about myself that not most people knew. So since most people I care about have become aware about these thing I see no harm in putting this list here.
- I'm a virgin at 23 years of age.
- I have panic atacks all the time, I just lock myself in my room so nobody would notice, this is why I also don't go to clubs last time I was in one I had a panic attack.
- Last time I went on something near to what you would call a date was almost 5 years ago.
- I have never been properly kissed.
- I almost failed out of school because I was to lazy to switch out from a mayor I gave three shits about, this happend twice.
- I'm pretty sure several of my aunts still think I may be gay, even after I've told them I'm not for years.
- I'm pretty sure my mom thought so too for a while until she found straight porn in my room.
- Did I mention that my mom found my porn?
- I spend more time trying to please others than me, even if it has a negative effect on me because I fear being alone.
- I suck at re-telling jokes.
- Sometimes I go on walks late at night to destract my brain so I don't do shit like this.
- I like women who "normal" people would call strange/wierd and I'm a sucker for tattoos problem is I'm to bland for these type of women.
- My dreams, shit even I think they are fucked up.
- I sing soccer chants in the shower.
I know, must of this shit ain't that bad. I't probably makes me sound like a little schoolboy bitch.
- I'm a virgin at 23 years of age.
- I have panic atacks all the time, I just lock myself in my room so nobody would notice, this is why I also don't go to clubs last time I was in one I had a panic attack.
- Last time I went on something near to what you would call a date was almost 5 years ago.
- I have never been properly kissed.
- I almost failed out of school because I was to lazy to switch out from a mayor I gave three shits about, this happend twice.
- I'm pretty sure several of my aunts still think I may be gay, even after I've told them I'm not for years.
- I'm pretty sure my mom thought so too for a while until she found straight porn in my room.
- Did I mention that my mom found my porn?
- I spend more time trying to please others than me, even if it has a negative effect on me because I fear being alone.
- I suck at re-telling jokes.
- Sometimes I go on walks late at night to destract my brain so I don't do shit like this.
- I like women who "normal" people would call strange/wierd and I'm a sucker for tattoos problem is I'm to bland for these type of women.
- My dreams, shit even I think they are fucked up.
- I sing soccer chants in the shower.
I know, must of this shit ain't that bad. I't probably makes me sound like a little schoolboy bitch.