So I got into a car accident friday, and I was found in fault just because I was making a left hand turn, you know I will never understand how some of these cops rule things, she turned into me from a right hand lane, and didn't see me due to a bush.....Now why is that my falt??? Because you know I pregnant so I...
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I am sooo frustrate i am trying to do a buch of awesome photography of glam rock like shoots, but I need awesome unique, expressive models...this town just doesn't seem to have either interesting naturally pretty girls, I miss my home town
, I jus t want to start shooting more and get my name out there, but geez if I am going to do...
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So me and my boyfriend totally found a great place at a good deal, it's perfect for starting a new little family, it's a two story town house that's just over 1200 sq ft, and great size bedrooms, and great size bath rooms, with a nice back yard and everything.. I can't wait to move!!!!!!
No roommates just me and myboyfriend and our baby....just as...
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No roommates just me and myboyfriend and our baby....just as...
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Your very welcome. I think your photography is beautiful 

closer to moving and the house I was going for the, owner of rented it behind the realtor company, so now I have to find a new place
, so hopefully this other place happens that the realtor wants me to look at, I hope I like it. I am waiting on a response on a possible new roommate, she's my friend and my hairstylist...which...
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I love your haircut!! I want a little pixie cut but it's so hard to find reference pictures of anyone but blonde white girls, so I have no idea what would look good with my Indian features.
sitting at home waiting for a realtor to call me back ,I love moving but I hate the part of trying to find another place before I can move

so I think I might be starting nesting mode, because all I can seem to think about is moving, a new house, fixing the babies room and everything.... I think the thing that is driving me crazy though, is that between my boyfriend and my roommate, they all are telling me what they want and how the want the place we move to be, but...
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spending my day off, networking and looking for a new house to bring my new baby too when he gets here, and It is a boy, I found that out yesteday at the doctor, which took forever because he is being shy ^_^. I am having a hard time picking boy names..I am straddling the fence on Reed and Rimmie for a first name, and...
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Yay, booy!! I love the name Reed, very cute. I'm naming mine Jude, and my Aunt loves Jasper, I think Jasper is a pretty sweet middle name, I'm not using it so if you like it, go for it!
When my mum had my little brother he didn't have any name for a realllly long time. And then decided on Laurence Raphael. Poor kid couldn't spell his own name for years lol.
ready to move into a new place so I can start working on the baby room, but as for now I have to get ready to work...YAY...(sarcasum at it's finest)

very pissed off that I haven't left for shreveport yet, want to stab my boyfriend in the eye with a spork. We were suppose to leave at like 9am, and this is an 8 hour drive, that is forever in prego time.!!!

kenobi: bf and i had to make the drive to shreveport from tallahassee, was closer to 10 hours...and it too sucked....i wasn't preggers however, so i could only imagine your pain...stop in N.O. and go to coop's get some good food and continue, you will feel much better....and at least your drive stops in Shreveport...ours continued to Texas....almost all the way across Texas.....i thought i was going to, i don't envy your upcoming trip :-( try to keep your head up and have fun though...the good news is that you're going home
just think, pretty soon you'll be seeing this:

OMG! I am so glad I only have 3 hours until I get off work I have been here since 11am....I am off tomorrow for my boyfriend's B-Day, and was expection to get to sleep in, but nooooo because they decided to have a damn piercers meeting at fuck 11am tomorrow......why not 2 or 1pm, being pregnant I value my sleep 

yep i slept a WHOLLEEELOT whn i was i thght something was yeah thgh u understand already about standing yeah then i coincidently saw that ur a photographer also i was lk cool,ha then ur a good 1 at tht.since im lookn for a photographer to do my sets,evn if it cant b right now..its cool.
I have pierced more vaginas in the last month than out of the 6 years I have been piercing......did someone tell these women that I also had a gyno's license or something,lol

hahaa funny what you said on ur blog..anyways thanks for the add!i see that ur a photographer,u take nice pictures trying to find a photographer to do my pictures whn i do my photo set so i can become a suicide girl..but they dont have a photographer in dallas.
anyways hit me back whn u can!

cool mom lives in louisiana actually & when i go2 see he i have to go thru shreveport..but thats lk 2wice a yr..i dont have a car.
i need 1 thgh,but yeah that be cool as hell thgh.anyways thats not why i added u,i thght u was cool & similar to i mean im a unique girl..i dnt c many girls that look lk me around