Woo! 1 month since I quit smoking (cigarettes), psh and they say cold turkey doesn't work, still getting cravings, but just had to fight them off...with my fists.
Just got back from getting my proof of residency filled out, so instead of paying 5400 dollars a semester I only have to play 1800, SO GLAD I live the next town over from my school or...
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Just got back from getting my proof of residency filled out, so instead of paying 5400 dollars a semester I only have to play 1800, SO GLAD I live the next town over from my school or...
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Deciding if I really want to go and run 3 miles again, I did a bad thing and ate 5 cheese burgers and half a big pizza, it's funny when you pull up to a drive-thru and order 10 cheese burgers, their reactions are hilarious. Hopefully the Mets will win today, come on guys.
It pisses me off how people can treat their fucking kids,...
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It pisses me off how people can treat their fucking kids,...
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your going to end up getting a cat just so you can keep doing it, I can tell, lol
aww, but I love my kitties too much to give them up!! Steal your friends cat, lol
What am I doing with my life I watched Gilmore Girls today I must be losing it...cause I liked it, i'm scared.
Still haven't heard back from financial aid or TAP yet, kinda gettin annoyed cause if I can't get help from them then I have to find out a way to take a small loan out, I still need another 450 dollars for tuition plus probably another 200 or so for books...yay only have 3 weeks or so before the payment is due. GO MONEY! and...
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Aww man that sucks! I hope everything works out for in the end.
As for your subway tip, I'll go check it out hehe
As for your subway tip, I'll go check it out hehe

the subways here have gotten rid of spinach
I liked it..

I've come to the conclusion I am going to whore myself out so I can afford air conditioning
Hi...I'm Chris

...Now im not sure what to do, do you talk on here or somethin? Im not good with this stuff