What inspired you to become a SuicideGirl?
When I was a teen, I saw a woman with tattoos & red dyed hair at the mall. She had a SG shirt on, and ever since I’ve wanted to be like her.
How did you come up with your SG name?
Bae is: Before Anyone Else - and also in so many songs so I get to pretend they’re about me ~ I feel like Bae suits me! Short & sweet :)
What's your favorite part of being a SuicideGirl?
I have made life-long friends! In my early 20’s it was difficult to find women friends who shared my interests, but because of SG I have become comfortable and confident with myself that I can reach out to anyone. It’s easy when the SG community is so friendly!
Why do you think someone should become a member?
Well, I can say for myself that I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with members. You get to connect with models and other likeminded individuals. A lot of SG’s are friends with members they’ve met on here, so that’s a very unique opportunity!
Share a skill or hobby you're passionate about
Oh, my gosh! I love discovering and collecting silent films, I wish I could have been a Marilyn Monroe back in the day, I love learning about old Hollywood movie stars’ lives, and fashion / décor of the 50’s. There is something about the art of seduction you used to see in the 40’s-50’s I think is fleeting.
What skill would you like to acquire
Sewing. Back in 2014 I was trying to make bralettes for myself and I’d really like to take it up again. I wasn’t good nor did I know what I was doing but there’s a lot more tutorials out there now.
How do you relieve stress?
I read, although I don’t have much time time to.
What's one assumption others make about you that you wish you could dispel?
I have heard I come off as intimidating online by a handful of people & I think that’s silly!
If you could meet anyone from the past or present, who would it be and what would you ask them?
Oh my gosh, I would have loved to have met Bunny Yeager. I would have been fun to pick her brain - talk about photography, models, traveling, makeup. The way she dressed is -chefs kiss-
What do you collect?
All things from the past! I have original Betty Boop movies in their original little film tins. I have clothing from the 40’s-60’s, even original Bobby pins in their box. I have magazines from the 40’s-50’s both wholesome and naughty. I have books from the 1800’s-1900’s, talking about etiquette and how to attract men. I love collecting smutty books from the 50’s, it’s always a hoot. I have a collection of ‘criterion collection’ silent films. I have original photos from the 40’s/50’s - some that you probably would recognize. It makes me so happy to show them off!
What is something you wish you'd learned sooner
I’d have saved a lot of wasted time if I had really put myself first and thought of myself as a friend.
Tell us about a time that a show or live event changed your life.
I met Jason Segel at his book signing. To me, that man always looks confident with himself. I got to talk to him and I asked him, ‘do you ever not feel good enough?’ Or something along the lines of that. If you had watched him talk, you’d think he had always been a confident, popular person. But he looked at me and said “all the time I don’t feel good enough.” I didn’t think I would get an honest answer, or even an answer back at all. The whole time he had been talking about how he had just moved to a small town, had no social media besides Twitter, that really just wanted to be a regular guy. He wanted to do things he loved, like The Muppets and writing. I think that interaction taught me humbleness and changed the way I look at people. No one is untouchable and we’re all vulnerable.
What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you
I explored a Missile Silo here in Colorado right before they sealed it up. I was with just one other person. We had to come back with face masks and high powered lights. It’s not that something scary happened to us, but it was a terrifying place.
Google “titan missile silo Colorado” to see what I mean. It was huge. We climbed stairs that were falling apart. We had to pull a door out of water to create a bridge. The second floor was just bare bones metal, with holes in it you could easy fall through. The tunnels were nightmare quality.
Disclaimer I do not condone going there or exploring dangerous places like that!
Top 3 presents for someone like me...
Studio photography equipment, like backdrops and other things to play around with, coffee table books about art/history/fashion, and blunts :)
Best for advice for dealing with haters?
Everyone has something to say. But in relation to your whole life ahead of you and what possibilities there are for you - what does their opinion even mean?
Shoutout to my OG supporters & welcome new ones! - @bae